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Question on our baby's homecoming


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We've got a smaller "night" cage for our grey, because my boyfriend and I are both somewhat of night owls and Chimay would likely not get the sleep he needs by sleeping in his primary cage being in the living room. Would it be advisable to try and get him sleeping in his night cage on the very first night, or let him sleep in the primary cage for a day or two to help get him acclimated to his new home first? I really want to make sure that his homecoming is as stress free as possible, and I am concerned that introducing him to two cages in one day may be too much for him.

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I think its going to depend on how noisy it is and he your new bird is able to sleep through the noise. If your bird isn't able to sleep then I would put him in his sleep cage. A solid 10 hours of sleep is an nessesity for birds. If your bird isn't getting the sleep he needs it would stress him even more than a second cage would

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Thank you guys for the great advice...I think we'll keep him in the primary cage for at minimum a few days to see how he does with the television on. For the sake of keeping him low on the stress scale, if he's not sleeping with the TV on we'll probably remove ourselves from the living room and move to our bedroom TV instead. Then start putting him in the second cage after he's got his bearings.

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