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Help need a name for baby


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I now understand why everybody asks for help when it come to giving there baby a name. I've been trying since I got it yesterday to think of a name that would be suitible for either a boy or a girl I googled names on the Internet and there are so many its impossible to choose. I want something that means something special like love or blessing or joyful but there aren't many that are for a boy and a girl. Mabie you guys now some nice unisex name with nice meaning. I would love to look at them if you know any Thanks in advance.

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Does this mean you are taking the little baby grey?:)


I don't have a suggestion for a name but what I did with Cooper was look up names from the region he came from on the internet. Can't remember right off hand but I think Cooper my amazon is originally from South America or Mexico.


How about looking up African names and find one that means love or blessing, etc?


I picked my top names, asked others for name suggestions and I didn't go with an ethnic name in the end. Someone suggested Cooper and I liked it. It means barrel maker:laugh: I ended up having a contest and Cooper it turned out to be.


How about a contest? It was fun. :)

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I have some names now:laugh: Here are a few african names and meanings. If nothing else it's fun looking them up;)


Omari~God of the highest






Ami~Saturday Child




Abeeku~Born on Wednesday






I like Mandisa (sweetness) and Bello (assistant).


You need an assistant for all your flock members.:laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2009/03/16 22:06

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Tycos_mom wrote:

I now understand why everybody asks for help when it come to giving there baby a name. I've been trying since I got it yesterday to think of a name that would be suitible for either a boy or a girl I googled names on the Internet and there are so many its impossible to choose. I want something that means something special like love or blessing or joyful but there aren't many that are for a boy and a girl. Mabie you guys now some nice unisex name with nice meaning. I would love to look at them if you know any Thanks in advance.


Pat on my thread here:




There are a ton of beautiful names on there. I love the name Zuri, Zola or Serenity :)Those where the names I had in store for miracle untill I found out how she/he got here {Love-000200DB}



Carol<br><br>Post edited by: Msvoluptous, at: 2009/03/16 22:38

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I know what you are going through because I need the same help! I have been thinking of a name for months and still don't know what to name him/her! I wanted a unisex name too because I still don't know the sex but I think I might have to get him/her DNA'd before I name it. I wanted an African name that had meaning too it but I don't know how to pronounce half of the names lol! Soo I am still thinking... ahh it's soo hard!

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This doesn't really translate into any particular meaning/phrase (but it's a pretty embarassing story), but my mom had named my high-school TAG Shady...after the imaginary friend I had when I was about three. Shady apparantly went everywhere with me, and I talked to her all of the time. I promise I'm totally sane now (I think...lol), but when I saw your post for a name-search, Shady was the first that came to mind.

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I like the name Shady thanks I'll put in onmy list. I also like the name Zuri I just choose 10 names I like and pick my favorite out of them. I would like the get baby Dna checked.Baxsters mom I decide that it was just to much reponsibility to take on someone elses birds. I would not be able to live with myself if something went wrong. So he said if I still wanted a baby he would give it to me for half price if I wanted to finish hand feeding it myself. So yes this is definatly a keeper bought and paid for.

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I just got a new Eclectus yesterday (he comes home mid-May). We named him Picasso . . . goes well with Dante. My Eclectus Gomez passed away several weeks ago after surgery to fix a broken leg. I don't know if it helps or not, but here's the rest of the list I had:




Schroeder (from Peanuts)




Dorian (Dorian Gray)













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Well everyone I have decided that the baby really needs a name so since I really liked the name Shady and I haven't come up with anything I like better and when I asked baby if s/he liked it s/he responded by getting excited and kissing my nose so I took that as a yes I like it. So the baby's name is officaly Shady Grey Thank-you Chimaymomma for suggesting it.:woohoo:



DSC00082-2.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/03/21 15:44

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