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Can someone help me out???


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I have a CAG just about to be nine months old, the name is Timon. We got Timon when he/she was 5 months. Timon started trying to talk at about 6 months old. He actually got pretty good at saying "what" and "hi". He would always be mumbling away and we would try to figure out what was being said. He would also do this whistle really good when I would call the dog and he would do the "sexy" whistle too. Then about a week ago he started talking and mumbling less until all he woud do was the two whistles. Now not even the whistles. He just chirps and beeps and he is regurgitating his food. I took him to the vet and they did a fecal test but could not find anything wrong. Anyone know what could possibly be going on here. Could he be hormonal at such a young age or could it be the time going forward making sunlight hours longer??

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Mabie he should have some blood work done have you weighed him at all to see if he is losing weight he may have a bacterial infection in his crop. Did you take him to a certified Avian vet if not I would see if I could find one and take him in for some blood work you don't want to lose hhim

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I agree with Pat, he may need a full blood workup by an avian vet, I know it is expensive but you don't want to take the risk of losing him, they hide illness so well.


Are you sure he is regurgitating or vomiting, if he is slinging his head a lot when he does it then it is vomiting and he has to be seen ASAP. Please take him and find out and let us know as we worry about each and every one here.

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Thank you so much for your help. I will find a certified avian vet and have the blood work done. He must be slinging his head because it goes everywhere sometimes, like a few feet away there will be some on the t.v. and so forth. Thanks again! I will let you know what I find out.

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