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We made it home safe and sound I say this because I drove through 3 blizzards to pick this baby up. I don't have snow tires only all season radials. I had to cross the mountain to get her. I didn't think it would be so bad after all its the middle of March. anyway he/she is 5 weeks old and is the sweetest thing I've ever met in my entire life. Here he/she is My new baby. he/she's got a bit of formula on its nose thats why it looks a bit brown just had a bit to eat. I'm going to love raising this little one. Fergie sure is curious she was following me everywhere I went then she would sit about 6ft away and watch what I was doing she looked at the baby and said pretty baby it was so cute. I'm going to need some help with a name any Ideas.

DSC00075.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/03/16 12:54

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Awww Pat, that baby is so precious looking, I know you are going to love this baby so much and that is so sweet how Fergie said "pretty baby" when he saw it, thanks for sharing it with us. Keep us informed of this little one and let us know how Tyco takes the new addition, I am anxious to know that.

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What a cutie, how exciting for you! I know you must be loving it so much. I'm sure name ideas will come to you once you get to know it's personality better, but here's some ideas to think over:

Chance- because you decided to give this little one a chance!

Star- I don't know, I just like this name for a grey, sometimes I tell Lyric I love him more than all the stars in the sky!

Maybe something to do with the mountain you had to go over to get it or something to do with the snowy weather?

Take good care of your new little one, it looks so sweet.

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Sheila I didn't know I was getting a baby till 3 days ago. Just sort of jumped into my lap. s/he is so funny you sould here all the sweet baby noises when s/he growls because s/he not sure if something is safe or not it sounds so cute.s/he loves to cuddle and when I kiss the top of her beak s/he pushes his/her beak as hard as it can against my lips. s/he also just loves beaky rubs. I'm going to get very attached very quickly s/he just loves to cuddle

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Woohoo, Pat - congratulations!


I haven't been on much latley either (internet's down at home for some reason), so I've missed a couple of chapters: I know originally you were thinking of raising two and keeping one? Anyway, your new baby is a doll - I know you're excited - and now you have an even eight birds! How about Lucky as a name for this lucky litte birdy? And I'm hanging fire to hear how Tyco and Gizmo react. I LOVE Fergie's respnse!:P

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