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Hunting Horror...

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I was visiting with a client the other day. I can't help but notice when someone has photos up.. I always find my self looking at them.. Now don't get me wrong.. I not talking about the dirty girlie calander type photos. ;)


These were different.. You see these were photos of their hunting kills.:( There were photos EVERYWHERE.. Dead turkey, dead ducks, dear deer, dead wild boar.. I could continue but you get the picture..


I was horrified to see this.. Now I know I might get some slack from the hunters here but I can't help it. To see these animals laying there bleeding, dead, made me sick.. I had all kinds of thoughts about the lives of these animals. They wouldn't be coming home because they got shot that day.. :( It just looked so pitiful.. The hunters pulling up and their heads as the photos were taken.. The hunters standing around with all the dead animals stacked up like a bunch of trophys..


I couldn't wait to leave that place.. Made me think of a horror movie... Know what I mean? Maybe it's me. Maybe I'm softening up in my old age.. But I think I have always felt this way about other life..

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I'm with you there Frank. Back in the day hunting was a way of life to survive and provide food, these days its usually just a way of taking life...There are some cases where hunting/herd thinning by man is warranted today and that is generally only due to the fact that we (humans) have killed off or removed the natural top predators (like wolves) in many ecosystems.


I know there are hunters out there with justification. I am sure people genuinely like this activity and are proud of the animals they have hunted. Please, I mean no offence to anyone but personally I dont get it. Get yourself in a good spot (maybe hike there) then sit and "hide" with your high powered rifle and then shoot a beautiful animal from 1 or 2 hundred yards away?? Wrestle them down with a spear and that would be trophy material maybe...ok, nough from me for now. To each their own. B)<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/06/08 03:05

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I use to hunt with my Dad all the time. Still do every now and again.

Generally you find here in the south hunting is a way of life for many.

I have always disliked the people that hunted just for the kill. Got their pictures and then gave away the meat or worse yet feed it to the hunting dogs.

My Dad and I always ate what we killed. And we never killed anything for the sake of killing. Mostly we did Deer hunting. In this area without hunters the deer would be sickly and hungry cause in the south they are all over.

They even run up into stores.

All that being said I must agree having pictures of dead things is ewwwwwww.<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2007/06/08 05:43

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Hi Tari :)

Your right of course. Killing for food is not the same as killing for the sake of killing alone. Or sport of killing.. How terrified are these poor animals? It makes me sick to think about that.. Hearing those guns go off.. Being shot.. Not knowing what the hell is happening.. Falling and dieing... I hate that scene..<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/06/08 06:09

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I've come to the conclusion that the most powerful weapon against people like this is humour. I love the way South Park deals with it (sorry , it's one of my guilty pleasures!) - if you've not seen it, it's not going to be very funny if I try to explain it. But it reminds me of this war on terror thing - over here in the UK, a young muslim lad went to a march last year in protest against the cartoons of the prophet dressed as a terrorist. I heard his Imam interviewed. The first thing he said was 'He's not a terrorist' and I thought he was trying to defend this young man. But then he said - 'he's not a terrorist - he's an idiot!'. It was so totally disarming. I think if all the sane people in the world could make the mad ones look like a bunch of mupets - laugh in the face of adversity, we could overcome a lot of our problems.


I'll get down off my high horse now - just wanted to share my thoughts!


Julia<br><br>Post edited by: Caspersmum, at: 2007/06/08 20:24

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Speaking for myself, when it comes to killing a living thing. There is no other side that I'm interested in hearing. This may see closed minded, but I'm just an animal lover at heart. {Nature-0002009A}

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Hi Tari,


I'd be really interested to hear what you say - from what you were saying, you hunt for food rather than just for the kill. I'd really like to understand more - and I honestly don't mean that in an antagonistic way. In my earlier post I gave the example of the young Muslim - I'm anti terrorist, but not anti muslim, and I strongly believe that listening to others beliefs makes us more rounded people. If you'd rather PM me than have it out in the open, I'll understand,



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Tari wrote:

NM I wont comment again cause you are talking about something you seem to know nothing about.


Post edited by: Tari, at: 2007/06/09 12:16<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2007/06/09 12:27


Hi Tari.. lets take it easy a second here.. I think we are all saying the same thing.. We don't like it when life is killed for the sport and trophy of it but we all understand the killing to food is different.. I don't think there is any dispute here.. You also agree with this.. That's all we are saying here.. No need to debate.. Everyone is on the same page.<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/06/09 14:26

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Deer meat is much more healthy for you then beef. It has less fat and it taste much better. Also I know where it has been. lol

My dad does enjoy a big rack but we also enjoy the meat.

In all his years of hunting I don't think to many of the deer he has killed even knew what hit him/her.

He and I both don't like to hunt with the use of dogs. You can miss or hurt a deer and never find it. Not only does the deer suffer but its a waste.

So he only hunts in clubs that dont use dogs.

There are many unethical hunters out there dont get me wrong and I would love to do to them some of the stuff I have heard about and seen but there are just as many that are not.

We enjoy the hunt. The tracking and skill that goes along with it. As well as the meat. My Dad and I both have let dear go by without feeling the need to kill them expecially after we have a little meat in the freezer.

Because of hunters in this area you never well hear about a mass slaughter like goes on in other states. I remember a few years back Flordia was begging people to come kill some of the deer to save them. There was so many that they were small and sickly.

I myself have only kill one deer. Three months after I had my liver transplant. Dropped him with one shot and he did not move.

Do we need to hunt for food? No not really but I grew up with hunting and eating deer meat and would really miss it. And if done right no deer suffers for it.

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Thanks Tari for explaining this to us.


As CD said, and as you seem to agree, it's poeple who kill needlessly, and for 'fun' who we don't approve of. I eat meat, and enjoy game, including venison, but personally I don't think I could go hunting - I know this makes me a hypocrite, but I certainly don't think it's wrong to hunt in that way, so long as its done humanely, as you obviously do. I've worked in the contryside, and know that without natural predators (we don't have any wolves left in the UK), that deer populations get easily out of control, and need to be culled to keep their populations healthy.



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Sorry Im not always so good with the writen word. But glad that long post come out the way I intended.

I can understand not wanting to go hunting. It's cold and wet most of the and why I have not done a lot of hunting the last few years. Even my Dad seems to have slown down. But he is also 66 years old. lol

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I'm not going to debate this issue with you or anyone here. Everyone is certainly entitled to their own opinion, and have their own reasons for the way they feel.

But just so you know, I have a history that makes me understand WAY more than you know.

So I wish you well, and that's all I'll post about this issue.

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