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Hello...New Guy Here

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Hello Bryan and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your new Tag.


You will have to tell us some more about this Tag but then maybe that is in your blog and I haven't read it yet.


So I assume you must be having your bird shipped in if you haven't met it yet, you must be so excited about that first meeting and we are excited for you.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


When your Tag comes please consider taking some pictures and sharing them with us as we would love to see it.

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Bryan - I just read the blog you wrote on this forum. It is quite a story of your last couple of years.




I am sorry to hear of your stroke and loss of your much loved Grey during that time. What a struggle you have been through, but you certainly have come out of it with a new outlook on life and what is important.


Thanks for sharing such a personal story on this site and I look forward to having you as a member here. :-)

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I just read your blog also and you are much too young to be having a stroke but it does happen as I have a sister-in-law who recently had one and she is just a little older. My you have been thru a lot but you seem to have picked yourself up and got back in there in the game of life and now are ready to bring another grey into your life.


I am so sorry to hear you lost your other grey, I hope it either found a new home or is surviving on its own, others lost before have.

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Hi Bryan. I read your blog and about you wondering if you're doing the right thing bringing a baby grey into your life at this point. I understand with your health and with the economy, it's smart of you to really think about this. Many people jump in without knowing what they're in for and the bird suffers for it. However, you've had birds in the past and know the kind of time and effort it takes to keep them happy and healthy.


I have had fibromyalgia, a chronic pain condition, for 12 years, since I was thirty. Money is tight, and energy is limited and I really thought about it before I brought Dorian into my life. Although there are fleeting moments of frustration (like him pooping on my head once when I'm was cleaning his cage for example:blink:) having him, and my cat, keeps me going on tough days. When I wake up in bad shape I can't stay in bed till noon because they need me to take care of them. Dorian, especially, makes me laugh every single day, even on days when I don't think I can even crack a smile.


As for the expense, most here know that you can buy the most expensive toy in the world and they'll want to play with the paper towel roll or the legos you got at Goodwill! I've also noticed my diet improves with Dorian around. He wants to sample what I'm eating, so I don't eat as much junk, not because it's bad for me, but because it's bad for him:laugh:


I'm sure you and your new baby will be good for each other. Now there's just the waiting and then, of course, lots of pictures for us grey addicts!

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Bryan, I have read your blog and although my story is different the outcome is the same and I can tell you, you will not regret bring your new TAG into your life. My pug Lily and my TAG Ana Grey are my strength. Welcome to the family, I can't wait to hear about your new baby's homecoming and see some pictures.

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Hello Bryan. How heartbreaking it must have been to have lost your friends. It is so good that you now feel able to invite a young Grey back into your life:)

We look forward to your writing about your TAG.

Very best wishes from Misty CAG and me.



Steve n Misty

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Hello Bryan, wow that is a very touching story! Thanks for sharing it with us! I bet you are so excited, I would know because I am anxiously waiting my baby CAG, only 2 more weeks now! Anyways welcome to the forum it really is such a great site with tons of information. I look forward to hearing more about you and your new grey!

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Hello Bryan' I read your blog and you said you wanted to be happy again so I know you made the right decision.Keep us posted on the arrival and the getting to know each other period.Talk to the Animal's and they will talk back to you. Live Strong my friend.

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your story touched me and i'm so sorry about your Grey flying away. I also was on deaths door step 7 years ago the Dr's sent my home to die after a case of blood poisoning going to my heart. the replace all of my blood and still my hemaglobin was at 2 and my blood presure wasn't regestering. i had septasemia really bad. and because of it my legs burnt from the inside out all the way to the bone. and my tendents where in a huge ball behind my knee my legs could not strighten out because of it. But it is trully amazing the healing powers of the body when my Dr told me I was going to die I said I don't have time to die it can't Happen I'm living today and walking today thank the good Lord. my birds keep me going and I was so close to death I look at life so differently then I used to It can be taken away in a heart beat so live it to the fullest and keep a smile on your face. I try to never let thing get me down and I definatly don't worry about things I have no control over. Everything works out for the best anyway. enjoy your new Timnah and don't worry about tomorrow. Today your here and all is well

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