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Noah first time talking!


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I'm very happy Noah said his first sentence ever: "is that a good boy ?" he says it in the same tone as my husband.. in a very cute way..


And he have said it many times today because he knows he will get treats after saying it :)


He is about 11 months now..


Any suggestion how to improve his talking ability i would like him to talk much... ?



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we tried playing our own recorded sentences for him but he never said anything from that tape so basicly talking to a parrot is the best way fx when you feed him tell him what food you are giving him fx etc.. We heard this advice from a parraot behaviorist but we never believed in it untill Noah picked on a word that my husband tells him in the morning.. Parrots learn much faster when they can see a connection between the word you tell them and a certain situation/something they do.


Anyone who have experienced the same thing as us ?

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Zahra congratulations.Noah is doing well for 11 months old.I am sure now the talking has started Noah will pick up more words very fast. I agree that parrots learn by us just talking to them and by us giving words meaning.Repeating words constantley to them does not work with these inteligent birds.

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Congratulations Zahra on the first words/sentence from Noah!!!


They will improve their speaking skills themselves. It's up to you and family to link the words and sentences with the meaning at the time it's occurring, as you and others noted.


As time progresses and many more words and sentences are learned, they will use portions of a sentence and fill in the other words correctly, just as a human learns speech skills and usage.


An simple example of this would be, "Where did x go?", they will fill in the "x" with the appropriate name. :-)


They are amazing and surprising at times with their abilities.

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Congrats! I bet you'll start hearing more and more pretty soon :) I've found that when Bella makes a connection between words and what they mean she'll use it extensively for a while and then "file" it away into her little mental dictionary. This week she figured out what "come here ____ " means. When I want her to fly to me, I say "Come here Bella!", and when she does, she gets lots of praise. So she started using it on all the other animals in the house all week "Come here Jiggy!!" (my conure), "Come here Doc" (my greyhound), "Come here Dream!" (other greyhound). This has been going on all week - Jiggy ignores her and Doc and Dream look at me like "now what???!" :laugh:

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I can echo what others have said. Whisper learns the things I say to her in everyday speech. I tried the recorded stuff too but she never said a single word of that. She repeats the things I say to her in normal conversation.


I have thrown in a few fun things too. Like Whoopdee doo! To give you an example, here are a few of the things she says all the time. She is 15 months old.


1. Are you a good girl? Are you a good girl Whisper?

2. Are you a smart bird?

3. Hello. Helloooooo.

4. Give me a kiss.

5. Want a scratch?

6. Go Poop! Go go go poop.

7. Whatcha doin?

8. Hey Whisper

9. Step up.

10. Come on step up.

11. You wanna step up?

12. Koochi koochi koo

13. Laughs

14. whistles

15. Come on.

16. Whoop dee doo.

17. Whoooooo

18. What?

19. Are you a good bird?

20. Good girl!

21. Is it good?


There are lots of other things that she has only said once or twice but these are the things she says all the time.


The more you talk to him the more he will pick up.


Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/03/15 16:58


Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/03/15 22:45<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/03/19 02:44

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