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AnnaBella is doing great. She's learning more and more words and phrases every time I turn around. She's up to 300+ words/phrases. She loves playing with the toys in her toy box and swinging on her swing in the living room. We just have one problem, jealousy. When my husband comes and sits next to me, AnnaBella flies over from wherever she is and lands on me. That's fine. But, if my husband puts his hand on me, she goes after him. She's usually perched on my knee and she'll quickly waddle down to hubby's hand. If he pulls his hand back, she's fine and doesn't want to bite him anymore. Anybody else experience this? What do you do about it?


She doesn't do this with the dog. Instead, she teases her. AnnaBella knows that flying bothers Sandy(our dog) so she acts like she's about to take off and Sandy will hide or run to another room. I think AnnaBella really likes the control she has. Comments welcome....

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Hi Heather!!


You said "AnnaBella really likes the control she has. Comments welcome...."


My comment: Thats a Woman for you. ;-)


Seriously now, they definitely display jealousy, possessiveness and territorialism. That display towards your husband could be one or all of them.


I experience the same attitude at times when trying to interact with Kim and Dayo at the same time.

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Yeah it sounds like jealousy to me too and I can imagine she does like the control she has, what woman wouldn't:whistle:


Your hubby might have to keep hands off you when AnnaBella is out to avoid a bite but then you already know that so tell him he has to keep his hands to himself until AnnaBella goes to bed then all bets are off.:lol: ;)

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