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Hi all,


I have a deposit on a recently weaned Congo gray parrot from our local (and only) pet bird store. Debra, the owner, also has a website at www.natureschest.com.


At this point, I'm just visiting Poco every other day to get him/her used to me. I'm also working to Parrot-proof my house. I hope to pick her up by the end of March. Debra is getting Poco used to his/her new cage and working with me to adjust my relexes since Poco will be my first large parrot. I owned Budgies in the past.


Why did I pick a gray? I've read several books about parrots. I've also observed parrots in homes and aviaries. I think that a gray will be the best companion for me. They are beautiful and smart. I'm home most of the time, so I can give Poco the attention and company he needs.


I'll continue using the advice here and elsewhere to get ready for Poco.


Nice to meet y'all!

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Welcome MeginAL and Poco!!


Well, congratulations on your first Grey and kudos to you for doing so much research before making the decision. :-)


Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance.

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Hello and welcome to the forum. It sounds like your new baby will be home in no time. I bet you are excited! This is a great place to meet new people and chat about our beloved greys and if you have any questions please feel free to ask. There are many knowledgable members here on the forum and we love to help when we can.

Can't wait to hear more about your new grey. Have you come up with a name yet? Or are you going to wait untill your baby is home to see what name suits it's personality? Anyway, glad you joined:)

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