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??? Waving hello???


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Guest Monique

No waving here :). My Greys haven't been very physical for training ... more language. I am sure you can do it, though!!!! :)

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Hey Karla,


The book I've been droning on about on the site for months - 'parrot training - a guide to taming and gentling your avian companion' by Bonnie Munro has instructions on loads of tricks in it - including waving, nodding, dancing and high-fiving. I've not given any of these a go, but they don't look too difficult if you've got a bird that's willing to learn. Certainly, the other stuff in the book I've used with casper has worked really well



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Brutus waves bye byes (thats what he says when he waves). I didn't teach him that, my 2 year old did. He just stood in front of brutus saying bye byes and waving until brutus started to do the same. My son also kept blowing him kisses until brutus started touching his beek and saying muah:laugh:

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Guest Lidia

Joshua waves goodbye too, he's been doing it for years, but it is something he decided to copy, not something he has been taught.

I wonder if this isn't just part of the natural mimicking that these birds do, copying body language as well as sounds?

Joshua also copies other gestures. For instance, I shoot him (ahem, quite often) by pointing my finger at him and making a "bang" sound. He shoots back, doing the same thing with his foot.

He also pre-empts my actions. For example, when I say goodnight to him (and he says it back), as I head to turn off the light he makes the click sound of the light switch.

For years, I have been beckoning for him to come over to me by tweaking my index finger at him, he has come to copy this by making the same motion with his head. Mind you, he also uses this to gesture to me to come over to him!

I think it's all part of the body language-bonding-mimickry process.

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Hey Lidia,


Thanks for sharig this with us. I must say I'd been reluctant to try to teach Casper tricks, because I wondered if it was taking advantage of him to get him to 'perform'. But having thought about what you've been saying, it's really just another way of playing with them, and stimulating their little birdy brains!


And Ice - I'm glad you're enjoying it here so much. It is totally addictive isn't it!{Characters-00020058}



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Guest Lidia



Addictive, absolutely! I only joined yesterday and I feel like I've checked in about 20,000 times already!


The only thing I've ever taught Joshua to is hold some toilet roll for me when I'm sitting on the loo. He sits on the sink in front of me, and holds his foot out for a wad. He's very obliging.


Lidia (ex Thumper)

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We just started clicker training with Kip. My wife bought some book that is very useful. I will provide the name of the book etc later on (when I get home) as it seems really good...definitely think of tricks etc as a way for you to interact/play/stimulate your bird. Most of them really like the time spent "training" once they realize whats going on...B)

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Hey Celery, thanks alot for the video where the bird is waving, I tried the same thing with some apple pieces, and after the fifth time, SHE STARTED WAVING!!!!!!


Now the little claw is waving alot becuase she now know that when she does that i'll give her something.


Its SO cute. THANK YOU!!!

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  • 8 months later...

hiya everyone,my little girl taught bernie to wave,she is 3 years old,and always waves goodmorning to Bernie,and again when she going to nusery school she will wave goodbye to him,and again at bed time. I wish i had the camera on them the night she waved goodnight to bernie and he lifted his little foot up to her:lol: he does this only for her.ive tried but i think its some thing sophie and bernie share only! :silly: :) i try to add piccy.hope it works lol

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true,Bernie is my bird, i bought him as a baby for myself i always wanted one,oh for lots of years but it was the cash that stopped me,then i woke one morning and said i will get that bird i always wanted! lifes to short and i got bernie,just so glad he took to me and not the hubby! lol

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