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Guest Lidia

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Welcome Lidia from Judy in VA in the USA. I know I would love to hear some stories you must have from your years with Joshua. We love to read stories about what other's greys are doing. I know I have a grey t-shirt collection with the holes and everything. And the earrings come off as soon as I get in the door unless I want them ripped from my ears.:lol:

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I have a real problem with short sleeves - casper really doesn't like sitting on bare flesh - he can't get a proper grip on my arms when I'm carrying him around, so feels the need to sink his beak into my flesh! It can get really hot in summer!



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Hi Lydia


Its great to read your posts WOW you have had Joshua a long time many people here seem to have quite youngish birds if I am correct :silly: Dont shoot me if I am wrong but that is just from the posts I have read so far . . . .

I am newish to this forum (family) and birdless at the moment too but hopefully if all goes well not for long ;)


Can I ask you I presume Joshua is a male? Did he go through a grumpy or not very tolerable time when he reached maturity and does he go through this each year at a certain time of year or did you not have any problems with this and also before maturity did he go through a time when he pushed you to see how far he could push you? You know like test your limits?

LOL and one more question Has he ever bitten you for any reason?


He sounds so lovely that you let him sit on your shoulder and nibble your t shirt I guess after that many years together you have mutual respect for each other


Well Thank You for replying to my post about nibbling baby that I am visiting again this evening


Looking forward to getting to know you better



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Hi again, Nooey.


Yes, I presume Joshua is a male. Since he's never laid an egg, I think he probably is. He was with a sibling when I met him, and that sibling looked somewhat daintier, though that is no real guide to anything. DNA testing is the only way to know for sure.


And, yes, they go through a sort of 'terrible twos' thing when they really try to exert their independence from you. It can last a while and be quite alarming because, to all intents and purposes, your parrot appears to completely change its personality for a while and/or become schizophrenic. But it does pass. Honest.


Bites? Pffft. Oh yes, many. You should take a look at the "Parrot Bite Me" thread. I have some scars and I am still occasionally bitten, though usually only by accident now (when he gets over-excited when playing a game and mistakes part of me for one of his toys) or when he gets a fright or hurts himself.


I don't know ANYONE who has had a parrot for any length of time who hasn't been bitten, with the exception of the people in this Flock who haven't been bitten yet. They will be and it does hurt! But it's not the end of the world.


Dan, who is a member here, has only had his CAG Dayo for a week and when he visited him at the breeder, prior to taking him home, he was attacked by another baby who took an apparently arbitrary dislike to him. You should look for the Dayo threads to read about that, it still makes me smile (sorry, Dan! ;) ).


By the way, there are people in this forum who have had parrots longer than me, though none of these parrots are AGs. I think one person has had an amazon in his family for 37 years.


ps. I'm Lidia not Lydia.<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/08/10 17:23

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