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Breeder Timnehs


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Hello all. We have recently purchased a breeder pair of Timnehs. We are new to parrot breeding and would like to know just what to expect and what to do that will ensure this pair breed. The pair are about 3.5 years old.


We've read that they can start breeding as early as 3 years old. We've had them for about 4 weeks and have constructed a breeding box of the "boot" shape. They don't seem too interested in the box... altho one (we think the male) will sometimes stand on the platform, just inside the top part of the box. They are not "tame", but they do seem to enjoy the company of humans and other birds (we have 3 cockatiels). We have isolated them in their own room and try to leave them alone as much as possible. Does anyone have any advice on the best environment to give the breeder birds?

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Guest lowang59_98

could come on here and LEARN about birds. But again and again you tell people to go read books, go google, or some other lame ass remark. If you have DECADES of experience then why don't you help some of these people that have questions about their new birds instead of telling them to go google, or you shouldn't have a bird if you don't know anything about them. You give people so much crap and then tell people that you have decades of experience. Yes I have seen a few of your posts that actually has COMMON SENSE knowledge about birds, but I have not seen anything that was relatively new to the bird community as to say, WOW she actually knows something more than anyone else.


Pam, your attitude sucks most of the time, and the only reason I reply to you is maybe to show you that you have a nasty attitude and that maybe you should learn what Respect is. No one, and I repeat NO ONE knows everything about birds. So why do you own birds? Do you actually know enough Pam? These questions are so lame that it tells me when you say them to other people that you just don't know the answer to the question and wish to make the other people feel more stupid than you already are.


You opinion has been noted and printed, used as toilet paper and flushed down the toilet. This is how all your posts should be handled.

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Guest lowang59_98

I do Ray, in way of handing the people over to experts that know about these things. I do not know everything Ray. I am not like you who stands on your pile of bird crap screaming, Tony's an Idiot.


No I don't Ray, and you just acquiring one does not make you an expert. Besides the only advice you give is your LAME opinion, like the one below.


BLAH BLAH BLAH. The more you go on the more I believe that you are a

Mental Defective person.

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Guest lowang59_98

Thanks Ray, I appreciate the compliment. Keep it up, your stalking skills are improving.

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Guest lowang59_98

Why don't you come down off your pile of bird crap and join us other bird owners. Oh I forgot, your the All Knowing Mamabird, and her band of bird brains, who live on the World's largest pile of bird crap. Do you have any good advice, or do you just pass your opinions along? If

I have good advice, I e-mail it. That way I don't have to deal with all the crappy opinions that you crap dwellers throw around as advice.

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Guest Phunkygal

My experience is that I don't think the uniformed are ready to wean hatchlings which is what happens when the eggs hatch.

My experience is that I don't think that African Greys are the right bird to learn how to breed.

To start/run a business you have to know what you are doing ahead of time (even while running a lemonade stand).

I was hoping the new breeder would have enough conscious to not torture innocent birds by nelglect and misinformation.

Yes, knowledge is gained through experience but hopefully it doesn't kill anything during the learning process. We're not talking about baking a loaf of bread or leaning how to work on a computer, were talking about little beings with a life span of 50+ years. I don't sit back and laugh, I address the obvious. I would be remiss if I gave you the car keys, showed you how to start the car and put it in drive and you didn't know where the brakes were, where Park was located and you had to ask via internet how to stop...


I have a great life and I am not going away. I am just stating my opinion, just like you did. Except, I gave pertinent information for the OP to think about. If I was heartless, I would sit back and say nothing and later read posts on what to feed a hatchling and worse. Let Chris say my info is no good and that they know better.


You Tony, are wasting our time.

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Guest DjHarlequin

<snipped> then you gone on to simply post a load of stuff which also doesn't have anything to do with the subject in hand. So desperate are you to have a go at me.

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Guest DjHarlequin

'bitch','menopausal' and 'problem'. Have you been reading books again?

As for my 'problems', perhaps, seeing as you have a better idea of my 'problems' than I do, you could offer me advice on them. I am not yet menopausal , am relatively sane,have decades of birdkeeping experience, and do indeed offer sound advice. I do not however tolerate fools gladly and get flipping annoyed when people post asking questions which they should have researched *before* buying a bird, or asking for veterinary advice rather than actually *go* to a vet.

I also get really peed off when someone comes along offering bad and dangerous and outright cruel advice like you have often done.

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Guest Phunkygal

Tony, what opinion or advice have you offered on the topic at hand, other that to butt into a thread that you know nothing about? You're whining that

I should be quiet? That is your contribution to the topic at hand? Let Chris complain that none of this info has helped. He/she has been curiously quiet.

I know what I have said has struck a chord inside them. No problem, it was meant to. How about it Chris?


End of discussion..

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Guest lowang59_98

Why don't you go to school anymore Ray? Did your mommy, OldMolly, take you out because she wanted to raise an ignorant person, or is that a trait in your whole family to be stupid?

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Guest beerfish

Why does it have to descend into this immature name calling and back biting.

If you disagree with what someone is saying, say so and leave it at that, we all have the right to our own point of veiw no matter how misguided it may be.

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Guest DjHarlequin

I shook my head in dismay when I read the OP. GAry, you share my fears.

To the OP. I have a breeder pair of timnehs. They have a big aviary which is heated and lit, an optimum diet. I have had them for 3 years and they have never bred.

Expect nothing from your birds and you won't be dissappointed when you get nothing, or when the hen dies from eggbinding because you didn't know enough about diet and supplementation.

Please don't expect people here to post and impart all the years worth of knowledge you couldn't be bothered to take time and learn.

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Guest twoodruff

Sometimes it happens that we get ourselves into things more quickly than would be IDEAL. It even happens with babies sometimes--people sometimes find themselves faced with parenthood earlier than they had planned, and they feel as if they're not completely prepared. So I hope you won't worry too much about the naysayers that refuse to give you any useful advice because they feel that you had no right to purchase these birds, not having the amount of experience that they feel you should have.


The most important thing for you to do, now that you have these birds, is to learn how to care for them--educate yourself. Forget for the moment that they are breeders (after all, CHANCES are that they won't be laying any eggs anytime soon anyway), and learn everything you can about caring (e.g., nutrition, housing, etc.) for PET greys. In doing so you will come across information relating to the breeding of these birds, and you can incorporate that information into your regimen of care for your birds. Perhaps you can find someone on one of these groups who has owned greys for awhile, and they can answer your questions via personal e-mail (not on groups) and/or by telephone.


When I got my first grey six years ago, I burned up the phone lines with my breeder for the first month or so, and then occasionally thereafter. Sure I did tons of research beforehand, but READING about having a "larger" parrot is not the same as actually HAVING one. Good breeders understand this and are willing to answer your questions for as long as is necessary. You don't say whether or not you can maintain such a relationship with the person from whom you purchased your birds, but I would urge you to try. If that's not possible, find another grey breeder in your area (or as close as possible) and see if they are willing to talk to you. I know that my breeder (from whom I purchased my second baby grey, Lola, who is now 5 months old) is very happy to mentor new breeders, and I'm sure she's not the only breeder like that.


I wish you the best of luck, and feel free to e-mail me privately if you have any questions regarding the basic care of your greys.


And Congratulations! Greys rule!

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Guest lowang59_98

No its not the end of the discussion. Your opinion is no advice at all, its just an opinion and needs to be swept out the door with all the other so-called good advice. If you are gonna offer your opinion, then I will offer mine. If you have some good advice, then why don't you offer it instead of your lame attitude, which by the way

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Guest lowang59_98

heads like you, and they don't have the time to deal with bitches having menopausal problems. I suggest you go see a doctor for your problem, cause your constant bitching still hasn't helped this person out, just that your bitchy attitude can form an opinion that really doesn't mean a whole hell of a lot. Besides I can probably pull up over 100 messages from people that don't like your bitchy attitude.

Why don't you take a hint and leave your bitchiness in your head where it belongs, or better yet GET HELP FOR YOUR PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest DjHarlequin

You were wrong again then. Initially knowledge should be gained before you buy a pet. Veterinary advice should be sought from a veterinarian. Usenet is indeed to swapping advice. Advice based on knowledge. Sure I tell people to get books. Books are great. I have a huge collection of them. If you were able to do more than look at pictures, you might value books yourself.

What is lame about helping people to find a good form of information which they will have at hand all the time?

Because I don't want to be sat here posting for hours in a day when they could easily help themselves initially by reading books, looking up past referwnes to similar problems or searching the net, instead of simply waiting fpr the information to be dropped into their laps.


You give people so much crap and then One of our major zoos seems to think so, as do many of the people I help with my advice line.


Some people really *are* as stupid as they seem. I get phone calls from them every day.

Awww, so you aren't even ging to threaten me with a lawsuit? I'm so disappointed.

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Guest DjHarlequin

experience. 31 years of bird keeping advice as it happens. Whereas *you* offer opinions, and so called advice (not much of it) based on your so called hundreds of parrot breeder friends, none of whom, has a computer so that they can post for themselves.

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Guest Phunkygal

Oh boy... I am going to jump in a get ahead of the issue here but...


What if they do breed, lay eggs, the eggs hatch... Now what do you do with the chicks? You're not going to ask for that answer on alt.pets are you?


From an honest, concerned human, owned by a parrot

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Guest lowang59_98

Chris, Sorry that you have to read through posts like GaryDawg's and

OldMolly's. Just ignore them.


Here's a couple of links that may help ya out. Some of it is general info and not specific to Timneh's, but it's good to know in the long run. Hope this helps ya out.


http://www.avianweb.com/breeder.htm this is a really good site. Gives alot of information on what you need, care, nutrition, and so forth.


Below is an abstract from the Canadian Parrot Symposium. I thought it was interesting. Gives you insights about what you are getting into.

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Guest lowang59_98

Why are you two even here if your not going to share your experience?

I would hate to see how you would feel just getting into the business and have that thrown at you. Do you people even have a conscience, or do you like people messing up, so you can sit back and laugh your heads off? Knowledge is gained through experience, and if someone else has the experience, then I would hope that they share it. So I don't have birds dying, or wasting my time. People like you should not even answer posts, let alone be able to throw your crap around.


Get A Life or Go Away. One of the two may make you realize that you are a Heartless piece of crap, who put their two cents in where its not appreciated.

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Guest lowang59_98

Pam, I only post crap to Crap Posters like you, and here goes your opinion again, and you know what? It's full of crap as usual. Do you read all my posts? No you must not, cause I have posted plenty about my birds. What about your birds Pam? I see you making up opinions on what people should do with their birds, but as far as personal experience, the only advice you give there is, Go Google, or take it to a Vet, this topic has been covered already. This is always good advice coming from your side of the street, which by the way STINKS.

Your opinion is just that, an opinion. It holds no water in the way of helping people. Just that you have an opinion. Well since you gave your opinion, I gave mine.


As far as my breeder friends coming on here. They used to be on here, but people like you with your LAME opinions, drove them off, just like all the new posters you scare away. Why don't you post some good advice instead of posting your LAME OPINIONS, and then we won't have to go through these discussions, over and over and over.


Did you file charges against me for stalking you Pam? Because it seems weird when I have to answer you, when I am posting to someone else. Get a Life Pam, you need one so bad that I really feel sorry for you. Why don't you and your buddy Ray take up needle point and throw away your computers. This is only my opinion, but I know it's the right advice for you.

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Guest lowang59_98

Pam, do you have a brain? My advice was for him to stop giving out lame opinions and start giving advice. Something you should do instead of wasting my time and everyone else's with your lame opinions. Pam, do you have any advice for this person, or is this just one of your lame opinions again?

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Guest lowang59_98

Thats why he came here asking questions. If he doesn't ask, then how is he to learn?


This again is why we ask questions, which by the way he was doing in the first place, and he is not driving his car looking on the internet on how to stop the bloody thing. He is asking what he should do with his african greys. Hoping that someone else has gained the knowledge through experience.


No you are wasting time by putting out an opinion that has no relevance. How do we get experience? I don't care if you tell me where everything is on the car, computer, or whatever else. If I don't use it, then I will never get experience. I will only have the knowledge from you that this is what it is. But in reality, no breeder is going to have the same experience as the other. This again is why we ask questions. To maybe gain a little experience through knowledge, but the real experience is just doing it. If something happens to go wrong, then I would hope he would get help by asking questions, insted of, Your not experienced enough to be raising birds.

This is just an opinion and offers no real help, and as such, should be kept to ones self.

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Guest DjHarlequin

thing you actually have any experience of. It is certainly the only thing you seem to know anything about. You never mention your birds, nobody has ever seen your birds, you never post any advice directly related to your birds only what you have read, or what your imaginary bird breeder friends have told you. Why don't you get some of them to pop in and give us the benefit of their advice first hand?

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