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SeeSaw Weather


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It is snowing here right now, not sticking much but still cold enough to cling to the grass and roofs, very much in contrast to last weekend that was so pretty and warm. We had temperatures in the 80's and I was wearing shorts but not this weekend.


Funny thing is two weekends ago we had really the only snow of any accumulation on that Sunday and was cold as blue blazes, no wonder people are sick and you never know from one weekend to another what it is going to be like.


Hope this snow doesn't hurt the vegetables we have planted in the garden, it shouldn't harm onions, radishes, kale, spinach, cabbage and lettuce, looking forward to a fresh spring salad.


Come on weather, make up your mind, wonder what next weekend will be like, it will be officially spring on March 20, can't wait, can you:blink:

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