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Photo of Rishi with my wife at the beach


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Beautiful photo of you two lovely family members. :-)


As others commented, it is rather shocking to see an untethered bird outdoors. It brings some bad memories to those of us whom had a clipped bird supposedly unflighted, fly away.


Thanks for sharing the photo.

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That is a myth that people think that a clipped bird cannot fly but with being spooked and a little wind they can indeed go a distance and get up into a tree. Its akin to us when we get scared and do things we thought we were incapable of doing, adrenaline kicks in and we surprise ourselves.

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  • 6 months later...

Hi Ranaz, thanks. That was the only time i did that. At that time, I thought it was safe since he was clipped until I got some advice from other experienced members.


I bought the Aviator a few months back, but Rishi refused to tolerate it. I am still working on it. I hope he eventually comes to at least tolerate it so that I can take him out.

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