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Rishi's day(s) out


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Wednesday 11th March was a public holiday here at Muscat, Oman but I had to catch up on some work and went to office and decided to take Rishi with me !!


He was absolutely no troulble at all and spent about six hours quite happy to just watch me and be near me.


Same evening we became bolder and took him with us when we went out for dinner to a friend's house. He was at his best behaviour and very well-mannered and polite. He even pooped only once during the course of 3 hours !!!


Today is Friday (Thursday and Friday are the weekend in Muscat) the 13th March and I decided to take him to the beach early in the morning. He was absolutely thrilled and so overjoyed !! I have uploaded some pictures in the photo album.<br><br>Post edited by: ramsabi, at: 2009/03/13 10:45



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Oh yeah they can be very well behaved in public and that is great that you could take him along with you places but be careful of having him out in the open if he doesn't have on some kind of harness and tether as he could spook and you could lose him.


Glad to hear you and Rishi are getting along so well and only pooped once in 3 hours, now that is a feat!!

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Wow Ramsabi, you are much braver than I am. I am so afraid of my Ana Grey getting lost I haven't even take her out in her harness. I am so afraid the wind, it is windy in Washington State, will pick her up even with a harness on. Or something might frighten her and cause her to try to fly and she might get hurt. Rishi is such a handsome grey, it is apparent you and he are very bonded. Thanks for sharing him with us.

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Thanks Ram it will be much safer when you have him out like that and then you can enjoy the outing and we won't worry about you losing him. We have heard too many of these very things happening and it breaks our hearts to see members lose their birds because they thought they would never fly away.


You picked a good one, the aviator is probably the best one on the market.

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