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Hi Everyone, i`m lisa from the uk, i`m so glad i found your group you all seem so helpful and friendly. I have a grey called harley who as i said in my profile didnt have the best of starts, he still has some issues left over from his previous home and sometimes shouts out "stupid bird" which must be what they called him as he wasnt speaking when he came to us. He`s loads better now infact i thinks he`s pretty spoiled lol.

thankyou for allowing me to join your group,


Lisa x

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Hello Lisa and welcome to the family, so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Harley.


Thats so sad he was mistreated at his previous home but with lots of love and attention you can turn him around into a loving pet, just give it some time.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so do read thru them and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


I assume that is Harley in your avatar but if you have some other pictures of him you would share with us we would love to see them.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Hello and welcome to the grey family. I hope you enjoy your time on this cite. We have lots of help full members. We would luv to see pictures of ur grey. ;)



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Welcome Lisa and Harley!!


It's GreYt having you here. I always good to hear of someone taking in a Grey in need of a good home with lots of love and understanding. It sounds like you have mad good progress with Harley and he is rewarding you in kind favor.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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  • 6 months later...

Hello Lisa, I'm a Lisa too and joined today. When my ChickPea came on the scene she had a bare arse and no arms and also only ate sunflower seeds but wasn't half mental like Harley. When I get smart enough to upload pics you can see her original state compared to later.

See you around the site.

Lisa & ChickPea

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Hi Lisa - Welcome to the forum - I've just read your profile story - how sad! Sounds like you've come on leaps and bounds with Harley though.


You'll find loads of interesting threads and info on here - and don't feel silly asking stupid questions (because if you do a search I've probably already asked them!!).


Get some photos of Harley uploaded - we love photos. Look forward to learning more about you and your family. Jill x :)

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Hi Lisa and Harley, welcome to the forum.

This is a fantastic forum, with some very knowlegable and always helpful members.

It sounds like Harley came to you a very troubled little bird - karma to you for persevering with him enough for him to trust you. He seems like a real character (scoobie-doo!!?)

Looking forward to seeing some more pics.

Bye for now.


Lyn & Alfie.



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