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Excessive preening?

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I have a question. Scarlett, my grey, seems to preen ALL of the time. She has only picked a few feathers but always preens, it's almost like a nervous habit. I've had a grey before and while I know they preen a lot, Scarlett seems to do more than any other bird I have known.


Anyone have any opinions on this?

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Preening takes up ALOT of their time. Only you can gage as to whether it seems excessive. If so I would suggest giving her lots of shredder type toys, foraging toys, preening type toys, etc to keep her occupied. Regular showers help provide moisture and comfort to their skin too. Also provide food rich in essential fatty oils like almonds, walnuts... but not too excessive either. Also make sure she gets a good 10-12 hours of darkness and quiet time Hope some of this helps.<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/13 02:12

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Many Greys have been undergoing molts the last few months. This means they are more itchy than normal, preen more and yes feathers come out as they molt, as you know.


The others gave good things to do in easing the discomfort by providing more showers/misting using Aloe Juice, foods higher in fatty acids and also use Red Palm Oil in some of there foods.

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my little milly is an over-preener.


i have plenty of toys for her that involve preening to lessen the attention she gives her own feathers.


it's a long road for her, but little by little we are working on it. i do tell her she is a pretty girl and i try to have soothing music on when i am not here.


her vet said that we should have plenty of things to occupy her so that she would not turn on herself when bored.


right now she is upside downy surveying her world and clucking. bless those little funny conures! the only time she is quiet is when she is asleep.

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