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mating season


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I am new to being owned by an African Grey but I have a 17 year old male which is a rescue bird from Phoenix Landing and Grady for the past 2 day's will walk around with me with his wing's spread out and rubbing his beak on my finger's knuckol's and hand. I just need to know is this their mating ritual.

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Yes it is but it's actually a mating ritual thing not a mating season thing. They slightly spread their wings aiming the long feathers slightly downward which is the mating position of a male. Greys will do that from the time they're adolescents into maturity. They will also make a slight huffing sound sometimes. Just don't pet the bird near the vent, lower breast and under the wings because that will further excite them sexually and sometimes they will bite if a person stops doing that prematurely. It eventually subsides but a grey will periodically do that throughout the year.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/03/13 01:07

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Thank's Dave and Judy. I new he was strutting his stuff but he's alway's suprising me with new thing's. I did not realize until I read it here on the forum that they used their beak's with the rubbing on the hand's and knuckle's to show affection and that the beak's were so sensetive.

Thank's again.

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