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We have had Molly tested


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We went to the vets last week for Mollys collar to be changed cos the last one she could still pluck her feathers. They have now changed it for a better one whic so far is working cos it has a lip around the bottom. We also decided to find out what sex she is so we had her tested and the results have come back.


It turns out Molly is a BOY!!!


Should we change his name to something else completely different or stick with calling him Molly?


He answers to Molly and he says Molly would it be too diffucult for him to relearn and answewr to his new name?

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One of the countries to which African Greys are indigenous is Mali, in West Africa. It is (more or less) pronounced "Molly". Why don't you just change the spelling - he'll never know the difference!<br><br>Post edited by: LindaMary, at: 2009/03/12 20:07

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My uncle has a budgie that he named Toby, thinking it was a boy. When I went to visit my Uncle and Toby I noticed that Toby has the pink cere that is typical of a girl budgie. I told my uncle that I really thought Toby was a girl so now we call her Tobie Sue! You could give Molly a more masculine middle name and keep calling him Molly or change the name if you really want. I bet Molly won't mind either way.B)

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I changed Fergies name when I first got her because I hated the name she had her name was applejack that was 8 yrs ago she didn't mind then and still doesn't mind I think its up to you. You could change it to something that sounds simalar like mabie Mali it sound more maculin but like they say whats in a name a rose by any other name will still smell as sweet.

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After much talking over our weekend away(My mum and Dad looked after him) and discussing the names suggested on here. We have decided to call him Mali


He is coping with the new collar well and he can't get any of his feathers. it's funny to watch him cos he he attacks the collar and twists it around his neck.


Many Thanks for all of suggestions.


Wendy & Mali

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