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Grey attitude

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No they aren't but they can be if not socialized properly. Greys do tend to bond with one person but they can have a relationship with each member of the household if you allow each person to have interaction with the bird, give treats and handle them.


Why don't you tell us some more about you and your grey so we can get to know you.

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Welcome birdlover111!!


Judy is spot on. If your Grey is presently just a one person bird, it can be overcome with time, patience and having others offer treats and just let your Grey understand that not all others are a threat to him.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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My grey prefers me but my husband does have a good relationship with him. My grey will not let my husband pick him up at all. If he tries my grey will bit him but he will let him pet him, give him treats, greet him. It's wierd. I am the one who has the special privledges of handling him. :)

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My situation with Josey is similar to yours Erika, Josey prefers me but she is starting to allow my hubby to pick her up and gives him kisses when he asks for them, of course it probably helps that he is the one to give cheese to her:whistle: B)

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When we first got our grey several weeks ago we were told she only liked women and wouldn't let any men handle her. Since we have gotten her, my boyfriend has been able to get her to step up (which I can rarely do) but I can "scritch" her on the head which she won't let him do. She talks mostly for me, and rarely when he is home alone with her.


Everyday we both work with her and everyday she is becoming more responsive to both of us. It just takes a lot of time and patience!!


I'm sure with time your grey will come around. I wish you luck

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Thank you for the advice. Rico will be 6 months old on the 23rd of March. I love him dearly. I am glad to know that maybe in time he will learn that others are ok.


At first he would not even take food from my husband. Now most of the time he will take peanuts or whatever type of treat my husband is offering. Now I just have to work on the relationship my mother and father have with him. They want so badly to be able to pet him. I will keep having my mom offer treats to him. At the present he will not take them from her.


Jeannine and Rico

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