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help needed to solve my noisey african grey parrot


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Hello people,, I recently bought a 5-month-old african grey parrot approximately,, n the salesman told me that I should use the syringe n feed it three times aday with the cereial,, the problem Im encountering is that the bird is very noisy,, it continuesly makes noises like a crow,, even after I feed it well with the syringe,, can som1 tell me why my bird is noisy n how to calm it down:unsure:

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1--what do you mean by *cereal*? Is it something you make?


2--Does the bird eat other things besides this mixture?


3--Do you have proof that the bird is actually as old as you say it is?


4--Does the bird make these sounds only when food is involved?


5---What was the bird eating before you bought the bird?


6--Does the bird make this noise in thecage all the time when food isn't involved?


7----Does the bird have a steady supply of food all day long besides the feedings you're giving?

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Thanks for the reply bro,, I meant by the cereal ,, the powder food for baby birds that you mixed with warm water ,stir n with the syringe you feed them,, n about his age Im not sure if he;s 4 or 5 months old,, he's got all the feather n he stands by himself n his eyes r like mostly black,, n I bought for him a stand not a cage,, n he screams whenever he senses that Im around or if I turn on the lights of the kitchcen,,, I switch of the lights to make him quite n sleep n not to become noisy,, so again the bird is left in the open ,not in a cage n he doesnt seem to fly although hes got all the feather n he doesnt bite n that what made me convinced to buy himm,, n I dont know if hes a male or female,,oops

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I tried to give the bird some grapes but hes like not ready,, he bit the grape n moved his head side ways like threw it,, so ,, I really want him to eat fresh fruits insted of that powdered cereal

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Male or female means nothing. get the bird a cage and put toys in it to occupy it's time. Cage, stand, cage, stand. You still haven't answered about the other food he has around. In a cage, food can keopt there all day which is the proper thing to do. he also needs time to roam the outside of a cage and be able to exercise. He needs time to learn your routines.

The food---I assume you're referring to Kaytee?

The cage and stand should be where he can be part of everything that goes on and has the ability to see you. Don't pay attention to the bird when he does this and he'll soon learn that he can't cause you to come rushing. Many birds have their own sound in order to get attention when a person leaves but first, is he making this sound when you immediately taking the syringe out of the mouth and refill the syringe?

A bird that 5 mts old isn't usually getting formula 3 times a day. Maybe once, but not 3 times.


So, you switch off the lights and he becomes quiet. Then you put them on and he's noisy. Try not shutting the lights off and see what happens. Birds will tire of making noise all the time but if a person doesn't ignore it and comes rushing in everytime the bird starts making noise, the bird will know how to get your immediate attention. So basically the bird controls you instead of the other way around.You haven't said how long you've had the bird. Some birds bring little habits that they develop when in with other chicks and it eventually goes away after the bird becomes part of the family.


Do you work all day? Is the bird alone all day? That can cause a bird to make lots of noise after the person comes home.



You still haven't answered about whether he does this all day long. And if he does, are you constantly turning the lights off and on all day long everytime he does this?

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Formula and grapes isn't a proper diet for a grey that age. Not to insult you but did you learn a lot about african greys before you purchased the bird? I ask for a reason because if you haven't, there's plenty of material you should be investigating immediately.

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Concerning foods---your bird needs fillers. The bird needs bulk. Buy some decent quality parrot mix and check out dark green veggies. Fruit isn't important and they don't have a high nutritional value. In conjunction with all other types of food, fruit is fine but shouldn't be # 1 on your list.


A bird that's on a stand all day has no where to go and that's when a cage is necessary. The bird will decorate the cage to it's own liking and it'll become it's home when not on a stand.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Good qwestions. I agrees with Dave on this. U need to get ur grey a cage that he can sit in only becuz he is so small still. Hang in there bro. Feed him good food and he should be all good.



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