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Mugged !!


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:laugh: Thats the reason Josey doesn't see me with my blackberry touch screen phone, that is too expensive an toy for them to get a hold of. Now if you have an old phone you could let him have maybe he will leave yours alone,:blink: I know wishfull thinking.:whistle: :pinch: :silly:

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Misty is only interested in it when I am holding it. Otherwise he won't bother with it. He is not interested in my phone although as a general rule whatever I have in my hand is his. That's where he learned the phrase "it's not for you" :)


Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/03/11 17:49

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LOL Steve,


It's because, what theirs is their's... whats yours is theirs... whats a family members is thiers... what any other critters may have is theirs..... and ultimately whatever else may come in that house or eye sight is theirs. " :-)


Now you know....... ;-)

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It is the same with the t.v. remote for me. She is crazy about the remote. I had to give her the extra one as a toy so she will leave mine alone while I am trying to watch t.v. I took the batteries out and said here you go.

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