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She's growing up!


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Adaya LOVES new things and changes! We change her toys weekly and constantly give her new things to do. Even so.... she SOMEHOW figured out there was a teeny side door on her cage!:ohmy: Although locked she worked it loose and we found her chillin' on top of her cage. She did this rather quickly too! I think she calculated her escape! :) Now there are DOUBLE locks! She wasnt happy about it, but for now has accepted it lol!


Adaya is learning to "scatter" when asked: she knows this means she gets to spend time on our shoulder or her favorite place the couch with fun hiding places.


Everyday brings something new and fun! What a wonderful addition to our family! :)

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They are highly intelligent and adept at figuring out puzzels, one of which is picking a lock, as you found out. :-)


We padlock all openings on our Greys Cage before leaving the house, due to the lock picking abilities. ;-)


He has let himself out of his cage several times through different openings after being placed in his cage for a "Time Out".

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