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training issues


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Has anyone had a very hard time training their CAG? My bird, Santos, refuses to learn to wave which seems to be one of the easier tricks. I've tried to teach him every day for a month now, and he just doesn't get it. I demonstrate the action with one hand myself, and say the word "wave". I even pat his right foot so he lifts it, and he has not once understood what I'm getting at. It's not that I want him to know a bunch of tricks but I think it helps them know who's boss and also provides structure with regular training. He just stares at me waiting for a treat, and then comes up to me wanting more when we are done. It seems nothing is learned. Is this really a problem? Should I stop spending time doing these sessions with him every day? BTW he's only 6 1/2 months old. Maybe I should wait? Please give me your advice.

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He is still a baby.I taught my grey to wave by picking his foot up and very gently moving it up and down while saying wave,then gave him a little treat. He caught on fast. Try this but be very patiant and keep any trainig sessions very short, 5-10 mins and never ever become frustrated or anxious. Its got to be fun.Reward the slightest move towards your goal, eg if he lifts his foot up even slightly, you can then hold on the treat untill he makes more movement. This will take time. One more thing, Never even think of punishment in any shape or form, only reward good behaviour and ignore bad.Good luck

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It's better to teach them with props first before trying with the non prop training. Also use a clicker (like they dog ones) so everytime he does something that you want him to do click and give a treat. He will soon learn that the click is a good sign and the treat follows.


There is no need to wait unitl he is older and no need to stop the sessions, just modify the sessions a bit.


Try to look at it from the birds point of view. You stand there and wave at him and tell him wave, but he has no clue. If I made a movement with my hand (that you didn't know what that meant) and spoke in Swedish to you, you would also stand there and have no clue what I wanted you to do.


You need to show him in baby steps exactly what you want. You are speaking a foreign language to him at the moment which he needs to learn.

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I started this trick with ZZero when he was just 6 months.


First I started with "Turn around" this was easy for him and he was so excited and interested in learning more.

"Turnaround" I held the treat in my right hand and brought it around to his right side got him to turn backwards then quickly brought it on the left to finish the turn. Quik treat and praise!!


"wave" I hold the treat in my left hand now and show it to him try to keep his attention on the treat then come in with your right hand like you want a step up, the first few times I actually let him touch my hand then QUIK treat. slowly start to raise the right hand so the step up would be more dramatic but dont let him actually touch quik treat again.


Dont give treats just cause he will be quik to learn he doesnt have to do anything for it. Bridgeing is the most important even if he lifts his foot a 1/4 inch give a treat and praise right that second. Then slowly start to go higher and higher then start to only treat every couple times and gradually give less and less treats.


I am no trainer so I hope this helps you just a little bit Good luck and dont give up. training truly does help with bonding a better more confident bird IMO


Also best time is when they are hungry, you can hold their attention much longer . Good luck let us know :)

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I've realize that my grey learn some tricks faster than the others. Throughout a day I would practice more than one trick with him. So maybe you can try bunch of different tricks with him, also observe how he plays and try to incorporate some tricks in it.


For example, Lilo likes to toss things around so I got him a dice and gave it to him to toss around, when he does it I would say “roll the dice!!” He gets it right away, now he does that when I say the command “roll the dice”!

When he gets it right, I also try to give him praises instead of treats. Good luck and have fun with your training!!

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thanks for all the advice I will definately use it. No more treats for doing nothing. I think he's used to that from how he was raised at the store I got him from. They give all the birds tons of treats for no reason. Anyway thanks again.

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