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Pre-existing profanity


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OK, I'm sure this has come up before. But this is the first time it's been in my house. Is there some hope of getting Casper to quit cursing? LOL, it is amusing to some degree, but it can be embarrassing as well. Is it possible for birds to UN-Learn words? Can we discourage this without causing other problems?

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Marvin came to us swearing, but b/c swearing is not allowed in my home and it is never said he does'nt swear now eether. it took about two months for him to forget bout it.



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I would not react to an inappropriate word and ignore it in hopes that it will be forgotten for the most part. Introducing other words perhaps might help. If you react laughing or scolding your grey may be encouraged to say the offensive word(s) more for the attention they bring. From your avatar I can see you do have a very handsome grey, so good luck!

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What ever you do dont laugh,or indeed show any reaction to the un wanted words.Casper may intime not bother repeating them if it does not get him the wanted reaction.Introducing new words and activities may also help.

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I feel your pain kar2nz.


Unfortunately, my Grey Out of no where starting saying "sh!t", much to our horror. It seems that on certain days my son and daughter in-law come over and stay at our house on his 2 days off mid-week, that he picked it up. :evil:


Needless to say, we KNEW where he must have learned it and in no uncertain terms told them to stop all cussing immediately.


We ignore Dayo when he says it, but he is like a kid that just says it more and more. almost as if he knows it's one of those dirty words little kids laugh at everytime they say it.


It will pass with time, but not soon enough for us. :blink: We had company over this weekend and guess what they heard, amongst words? :blush:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/03/11 16:22

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  • 1 month later...

omg you should hear my bird, lol


when we got him all he said was sware words,


the previous owners had gone on holiday with the kids left the bird with friends, when they came back the so call friends taught the bird the blue of bluest words,


we dont have kids so we dont find this a problem but lest just say first thing in a morning i get out of bed and here what sounds like a abusive man only to find out its the parrot


he says so much more now but he still swares almost 3 yrs on

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OMG your grey still swears almost 3 years later after learning those nasty words but I am guessing he uses them less and less now that he no longer hears them said. Needless to say those so called friends wouldn't be my friends any longer to do something like that.

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I was told when I got George he swore a lot but as we never use any language like that I am pleased to say he has never swore yet and thats 6 mths on so they can un-learn if you dont use it and they dont hear it !

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Start talking to him using words that sound somewhat like the curse words. Eventually, he'll cut it out if he hears the new word long enough. Expect your bird to relapse once in a while. It's very hard to stop to make a bird totally forget things. That's why they're know for their great recall. It's important that you use the same pitch and depth and speed of the original word because if your bird says a curse word and you say something very similar but in a different pitch,depth and speed, as far as the bird goes, it's 2 different words.

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