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can you still teach an 8 year old TAG new words


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I never really taught Que to say things she just sort of picked them up. But lately I have been working on helping her learn new words/phrases. Even though I knew she wont say them to me it might be fun to hear them when she talks to herself.

So in the mornings I am repeating good morning. During the day I am working Bobby Wash the dishes and at night when I turn out the lights I say Nite Nite.

Is it possable at this late age that she can pick up new words still? Even without any real training. I just repeat them over and over threw out the day.

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Greys are long lived animals and can absolutely continue learning things throughout their lives, if they want to! ;) You (the owner) can help influence their desire to learn new words/tricks etc by the interaction and environment you maintain. Much like humans, 8 years old for a grey is still quite young...definitely has potential to learn all kinds of new stuff B)

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Cool Ill keep tring. Que has been with me since she was 6 months old and is a closet talker. That is why I never really worked with the talking but a couple days ago she said Pretty Puppy in responce to me saying Pretty Bird so thought I would give it a go see if maybe she has decided to be more vocal.

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Guest Monique

I agree you can always continue teaching them. Usually we quit teaching them and that is why they quit learning new words (we just say the same old boring stuff over and over and over ... :) ).

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Guest Lidia

You definitely can, they're like people, they never stop learning. My 18-year old CAG, Joshua, learns new words all the time. I don't 'train' him to learn, however, he just copies what he wants to.


Thumper<br><br>Post edited by: Thumper, at: 2007/06/07 13:49

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Hey Tari,


Casper's not as old as Que, but he too has been shy to talk in front of me. But recently, he's started talking with me in the room. I repeat what he's said, and I've found that the more I speak to him the more he speaks back - and his speech is getting clearer too.


Also, don't know if you've heard of the Alex studies - if not, google it. Alex is a thirty-something parrot that's been trained by a psychologist called Dr Pepperberg - and he's still learning lots of new stuff at his great age!



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  • 1 month later...
Guest Lidia

Tari wrote:

Oh shot the name has completly left my brain but that person that owns Alex was at the last afa convention. She did a great presentation. Alex is learning to add. So cool.


Irene Pepperburg.

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  • 2 years later...


The first thing is to get him to feel loved by you.

The second thing is to talk to him all of the time, as you would a baby.

Here is a great trick that helps my birds a lot... Go to youtube, google some talking Greys (Einstien's vocabulary practice, Salvatore's phone call, etc.), and play the videos often, where your TAG can see them. Talk to the video while it is playing, as if it is a parrot. This really encouraged my Kofi (TAG) to talk more.

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