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QUESTION can any1 help please


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{Nature-000200A9} hi all

does any1 know why/what my bird is doing/wanting or needing as she holds onto her cage or her food bowl with 1 foot and her beak and and is trying to SKATE (you know try to ride a skate board that is not there lol) she will do this regular through out the day and some times it can last 2-3 mins.

i dont think its coz she board as her cage door is open all the time we are home so she can come out, she has toys, fruits, nuts, veg and seeds she gets our love and time.

1 thing we have noticed is that she dont do it when on us or on her play top its only in the cage

does any1 else's CAG do this ?

why is she doing this ?

thanks all {Nature-00020095}

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How old is your Grey mabie it got something todo with hormones. I know that my Amazon will hold on to somthing with her beak and one foot and scratch under her tail with her other foot when she is hormonal she doesn't do this any other time eccept when she is in her hormonal stage.

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