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About halfway through Alex & Me


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I am loving this book! And I am really REALLY not a reader. When it comes to stories, my boyfriend will read the book and I'll see the movie. Ha ha...


I'm hoping that a lot of other people out there have read it as well and enjoyed it as much as I am. I didn't know much about Alex other than what couple clips are availble on YouTube, and I had no idea how incredibly smart he was and how blatant it was that he really understood everything he was saying. That model/rival training technique really worked a miracle.


If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend it! :D

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chimaysmommy wrote:

Aw I'm sorry if I misled somewhere, we're actually getting one grey. Our first!! :) Right now our apartment is only big enough for one, but you never know...when a house comes along we might just have to get Chimay a playmate! :D


Aww that's ok it was probably something that I read on here from someone else :pinch: . I don't never sleep so the topics are starting to blend in now :S lol.


I can't wait to read the book...

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chimaysmommy wrote:

I am loving this book! And I am really REALLY not a reader. When it comes to stories, my boyfriend will read the book and I'll see the movie. Ha ha...


I'm hoping that a lot of other people out there have read it as well and enjoyed it as much as I am. I didn't know much about Alex other than what couple clips are availble on YouTube, and I had no idea how incredibly smart he was and how blatant it was that he really understood everything he was saying. That model/rival training technique really worked a miracle.


If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend it! :D


Ok I finally broke down and bought the book yesterday it was a belated present for myself :) I will let you know what I think of it. It looks like a wonderful book so far, I can't wait to read it.

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I read this book in a couple of days and I cried too. It was amazing to see how much love and respect Alex & Dr. Pepperberg had for each other. To know for certain just how smart these guys are is an amazing thing for Mankind to discover in the name of science. But to realize that as smart as they are they're still content to hang around with us even through the tough times - well, that's a lesson humans EVERYWHERE could benefit from!

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I just got it on Audio CD (I like to listen to audio books when I drive in rush hour traffic, I find i do not get as irritated as i do when I listen to music). Anyway, I had just started the first CD on my way to work this morning.

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You guys are really going to love it...Once it gets to the point where she begins talking about her childhood forward it really gets good. Some of the concepts that Alex seemed to understand were just incredible. Please be sure to let me know what you think!!! I really believe it's a must-read for anyone who owns a grey

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I'm looking forward to reading it too. I'm a member of another forum so what we are doing right now is - The Alex and Me book - all around the world. A member purchased it, read it:) and now she is passing it on to another member. Once that member is done with it ... it will be mailed to another member and so forth. This book will travel to so many countries and we will all sign it. It's going to be so neat when I receive it... the same book will have touched so many african grey owners.<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/14 02:00

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Shannon thank you so much for posting that youtube link! I loved the video, and I'm so glad Griffin is working in Alex's footsteps.


Dave007 we'd love to get a second grey if you're willing to cough up the money for the bird and a bigger cage...j/k! Lol... I certainly wouldn't want my reputation on this board to be that of someone who would misrepresent herself. ;)

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Great video, Shannon! Thanks. I learned something valuable:


I notice that Dr. Pepperburg is really in Griffin's face when she talks to him -- up close and personal. I haven't really spoken to Shanti that way, but I'm going to start. I'm sure Dr. P. developed that technique after years of experimentation.

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I don’t understand why Alex is a plucker? At first I thought Alex might be a rescue but Dr.P had mentioned she got Alex when he was 1.

If she is such an expert at what she is doing, Isn't a healthy bird in a healthy environment is not suppose to developed plucking problem? (I don't mean to sound like I m criticizing her or her work.) Or are some birds just born to be a plucker?

Also how did alex die? It didn't say anything in the book about how he died? I m just curious...

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LilosMom it's so funny you ask that question, because my boyfriend posed the exact same question to me last night while we were perch/toy shopping! Ha ha...


Dr. P took advantage of an opportunity to spend a year at MIT's Consumer Electronics Laboratory in Boston, which stressed Alex considerably (check out the chapter "Alex Goes Hi-Tech." Alex didn't go with her and the stress of seperation, though Dr. P visited took a lot out of Alex. She described how hard it was for both Alex and Griffin when she finally was able to get them on a plane and travel 12 hours to Boston, and how Alex was a chewed up mess by the time they made it to Boston.


As far as how he died, I have no idea. It's a tragedy that he did, and as morbid as it sounds I was really hoping that there would be a medical explanation as to the cause of his death at the end of the book. If I had to make an assumption based on the "feel" of the book as a whole, it seems that Dr. P may have wanted to keep the focus on Alex and his accomplishments in the Avian Learning Experiment and not on the cause of his demise. This I can understand, but I still was just slightly disappointed that we didn't find out why he passed.

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