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Hit our first bump in the road

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So Chimay should be here by next weekend (eee!), and we received our cage delivery last Wednesday. I was off from work, so I waited anxiously for my boyfriend to get home so he could help me lift the heavy panels and put it together. Finally he did and we tore into the boxes. Much to my dismay, I cringed when I heard him say "is it supposed to look like that?" I didn't want to look, but saw that the legs on the rear panel of the cage were SO bent up, practically about to snap off. In fact, a bar running between the legs HAD snapped in half, the missing piece nowhere to be found.


I was so upset...everything had been moving so smoothly until that time, and I was furious with the company who had shipped such an obviously mishandled item (box wasn't damaged so it didn't happen during shipping). Fortunately I called the manufacturer right away the next day, and our replacement parts are on their way via UPS. I felt I had to lie a little and tell them that our grey was scheduled to arrive this weekend, to avoid any possible delays.


If you guys hear a loud noise coming from the US's Midwest, you'll know my replacement parts were damaged too. Ha ha!!! Crossing my fingers though...


Post edited by: chimaysmommy, at: 2009/03/09 22:51<br><br>Post edited by: chimaysmommy, at: 2009/03/09 22:54

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Man that sucks! I bet you were so excited about getting your new cage and putting it all together. Hopefully you get the right parts in time and nothing is wrong with them! Ahh its soo soon til Chimay gets there! Luckkyyy! Keep us posted and Good luck!!

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Yipeeee!!! We received our replacement parts and everything is in one piece thankfully. After much cursing we also managed to get it assembled and re-arranged the living room as well. Toys are in, now the only thing left to do is wait for our baby's delivery next Saturday! Our breeder emailed us and will have his flight information available on Monday. This next week is going to be SOOOOOO long!!! Cage.jpg


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We got the cage from a site called Everything Birds...here's the link:




After the broken legs problem was worked out, the only other real problem I had with the cage was the assembly instructions. They are not very detailed at all, but after the main panels were put together it was fairly easy to see how the rest went together. We're going to be using a plastic office mat, rather than the big metal seed skirt so we had some screws left over which initially made me a little nervous. Ha ha...but then I realized that they went to the cast-aside seed skirt so we're okay.

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It really is...but one quick word of advice--make sure you check the box over thoroughly when/if you have a cage delivered from them. I was fortunate that even though I didn't look over my cage and sign the delivery sheet as "damaged" they were really great about quickly correcting the issue and getting me replacement parts. It could have easily been the other way around. The girl who helped me apologized after seeing the pictures, and said that some people in the warehouse aren't always as careful as they should be when it comes to operating their forklift which is the likely cause of our damaged delivery.


On the off chance you do get the same cage that we purchased, please feel free to let me know if you'd like me to email you a more comprehensive instruction sheet. The one that comes with the cage is not all that great, and the manufacturer was nice enough to send me a different sheet with clearer labels.

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I wondered the same thing myself...the original instruction sheet looked like a copy of a copy of a copy. The type was very unclear, and none of the many parts in the diagram were labeled/numbered. It was frustrating, but once we got the major panels together, it was pretty self explanatory where the rest went.


Anyway, it would have made MUCH more sense for them to enclose the copy that was emailed to me. Consumers shouldn't have to solicit good directions from the manufacturer.

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