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Hi every body,recently I heard Ricco call me mummy with my sons voice, I asked him then what he wanted and then he answered back, he asked me to go to him.I thought that was a coinsidence. After a day or two the same thing happend, then I started going to him when he asked me to. It turned out that he wanted a snack!!!!!


Ricco now say's " mummy come hear" and when I go near him he shows me his bowl where the snacks go in.


I think that it is great because as it turns out they know what they are saying.


Had anybody else the same experience? Nasy and Ricco

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I am so jelous!!

I have been trying to get mine to say mummy for a long time with no luck!!!!


They will say my husbands name when he passes but will NOT say mummy.


I really do believe they know what they are saying. That is such a cute story, I will keep on trying:)

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I think that is so funny caitb2007, I hope some day you will hear what you want to hear from your grey!!


And as for you casper keep trying.I spend a lot of time with my grey we are all morning together,so maybe that is why he says a lot of things.


Nasy and Ricco

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Tyco calls me mommy and knows what many things are she asks for different things by name like potatos, chicken, macaroni. When she smell chicken cooking she will go on and on chicken yum yum want some there ya go chicken yummy for the tummy. It makes me laugh so hard. Yesterday I was cooking sweet potato's for them and Tyco's said yum potato's. she is really starting to get to know allot of thenames of different foods I give her. it amazes me how vert smart they are. Tyco is 6 years old now and she learns new things all the time. By the time she 20 mabie she will be able to hold a conversation with me. she will already butt into coversations and state her opinion and she usually says the answer correctly.

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How sweet! :) Adaya is not quite a year, and although not speaking clearly yet, manages to communicate quite well lol. We hear words occasionally and she is practicing all of the time. The other day, my daughter was touching one of her toys in her cage, and Adaya was not happy about it. When I later came in the room, my daughter told me what happened. I looked at Adaya and asked what happened? She immediately looked at my daughter, then grumbled what sounded like a long complaint and ended with my daughter's name. I said what? and she immediately did it again: same length grumble etc.. LOL... My daughter said she is JUST like her niece, cant wait to tattle tale hehe!

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Tigerlily says a few things at the right time but her latest cracks me up everytime.


she bites me (not hard) then says "sorry"


the thing is i cant remember saying sorry 2 her, mayb once or twice when i've accidently scared her but thats it

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Charlie will say want some if I am eating something he likes,not if it is not to his liking.He will say bye bye when I am going out and hello when I come home.He will say yum yum when he is enjoying his fruit and calls Cracker the tiel over to his cage, the silly tiel goes over aswell,so it is with very close supervision elieve they understand they get out together.I really believe they understand a lot of what they say.

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Congratulations on Ricco getting you to understand that he is fully aware of whats going on around him and knows how to tell you what he wants. They are amazingly intelligent and continue to surprise us all each day. :-)


GreYt stories from all the others too. They always bring a smile to ones face.

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Whisper is 15 months old. She uses several phrases in context. She really amazed me one day when she not only used it in context but combined words I had used in other phrases to make her point. example: She was on my shoulder one day while I was on the computer. All of the sudden she let out this squawk like she was in pain.

She has a broken feather that poked her but I did not know it at the time.

I got her off my shoulder and looked her in the eye and said "What is wrong sweetheart?" As clear as a bell in a pitiful voice she said "I NEED a scratch." I always say "want a scratch" and she says that all the time but never I NEED a scratch.

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