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My cag has been in her forever home seven days. She does up and down with no problems. Am I doing it right?She is tearing up my hands, I had her wings clipped, but the vet (Not anavian vet) said her nails were where they should be, however its so painful, I'm shying from handling her, Any suggestions?

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I get a few scratches occasionally but not much. Could it be that since you have only had the bird for a week that he is fearful and uncertain that he is holding on extra hard? Does he seem to be relaxed when you are holding him or nervous and holding on for dear life?


If so then give him time to settle in and trust you before handling too much. It takes a while.


As for the non-avian vet.. Your bird should have an avian vet if at all possible.

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If she is tearing up your skin then her nails are too sharp, they need some trimming.

I have a pediperch for Lilo so he trims his nails when he is on that perch, we also play a game called "spa time", I get to file his nails with a filer, at the end Lilo always wins and destroy the filer in to pieces but I get the job done also!

With all these trimmings he gets at home, we only go to the professional about once-twince a year.

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Just seven days, that is not enough time for her to feel comfortable and trusting of you yet, she is probably gripping harder than she normally would, give her some more time.


Provide her with some rough perches in her cage and position them where she will use them, they help to keep the nails in good condition.

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I would agree on the hard gripping as a sign of stress.


Shanti definitely has a relaxed perching mode and a hanging-on-for-dear-life mode. If fact, when he puts on a little pressure, it's a sure sign he's uncomfortable about something, so I put him down or move him away from the source of the anxiety.

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Hi Joyce

My bird is with me since a little over a week now, in the beginning he used to grip my fingers so hard when he steps up, now that hes more comfortable with me and he is more assured that I will not drop him or harm him, he relaxes his grip and actually hold on softly to my hand. I noticed when I put him on the swing for the first time he gripped on it so hard cos it wasnt really sturdy and stable, so just give him some time to trust you and he will perch on your hand in a more relaxed way.

Also in a while and when hes more relaxed with you , you can try to file his nails, it will be easier... Good Luck


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Just wanna mention, that if your bird is scratching your hands a lot, it would be preferable if you can wash his feet well and his nails and too or at least wipe them out, also you must go wash your hands immediately when they are scratched to make sure you do not develop any skin infections


Patience and love will do it all...:)


{Nature-00020095}{Nature-00020095}{Nature-00020095}<br><br>Post edited by: ranaz, at: 2009/03/09 19:37

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I had Tycos and Fergies nails dremaled at the vet Tycos nails where just like needles and she would dig them deep into my skin she is also a very large grey weighing in at 570 gr her weght alone makes her hold on tight. now that her nail have been dremeled they don't hurt at all. When you first get them done you do have to watch that they don't lose their grip and fall allot but after a week or so they adjust and learn to not fall. What a differance it has made now I can enjoy playing with Tyco and I don't have to be in severe pain when I do hold her.

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Thanks for the tips, I called the breeder I got her from and he says its time for a clip. So I am looking for someone with experience. not so easy when you live up a hollar at the end of the world....

She is so lovable, even our yorkie has settled in with her.And she seems to be content with us, She has a great appetite.,and the breeder had her so socialized, she" a breeze.......

I did get her a pedicure perch. Thanks again.

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