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help training my parrot please


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Hello out there


I need some desperate help with my parrot hes a yr old wont let me hold him always bites me wont let any1 touch him when u get him on ur shoulder he turds on your back and bites ur ear i need some basic training tips can any1 out there help me


any help please


email me





please help me anyone with help tips

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Well for the first thing, don't allow him on your shoulder if you can't control him, that is not the place for a bird you can't handle.


How long have you had him? If not long then you may not have gained his trust for he seems to be afraid of you.


Sometimes greys don't want to be handled or held, respect his right to be left alone at times.


Have you ever had a parrot before, is this your first grey?


I think we need some more information if we are going to be able to help you with him.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Sorry you are having such a hard time with your grey. Just try to gane his trust and be persistant and u should be fine.



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First, just spend some time next to the cage, talk to him, sing to him. then you put your hand by the cage not in any kind of threaten way continue to talk/sing to him for couple of days. When you open the cage door, tell him to step up, offer your hand to him and hold a toy infront of him on the other hand. Always ask him to do anything with him and wait for his response. If he doesn't seem like he wants to touched, dont touch him. There are a lot more to it... it takes patience, time and lots of TLC...Like judy said there are lots info on this site, read as much as you can. good luck!

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Hi Ashley, welcome to the family. How long is a few months? If your grey bites your ears, I wouldn't let him on your shoulder. There are oodles of threads here about how to interact with your grey when you first bring them home. Each grey is different. They trust you when they become comfortable and confident with you. When they know personally that you wouldn't harm them, just like then you know you can trust a person, it's a feeling only you can realize. Read and enjoy. Ask any questions you have and when you get a chance we would love to see some pictures of ----- What is your grey's name??? Hope to hear more about your grey.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Well Ashley.. You must respect Ernie and allow him to have hiz space. I wood also like to ad that u must B very consistent. do'nt all the sudden be cold twards him when B4 u were once warm. sending mixed signals is not wat u should do. hope this all helps.



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Dorian was so hand shy when he got here it took almost 6 months before he would let me scratch his head, and he's still not thrilled about being on my hand (but a dowel or perch is worse) I made the decision right at the start that my shoulders are off limits because I know his personality. He's never mean, but if he feels unsafe he's going to latch onto whatever he can, and I don't want it to be my earlobe:P


Like the others said, don't rush him. I know it's frustrating because we want their worlds to get bigger and not be limited to their cage but first he has to feel confident with you. What worked a treat with Dorian was I spent a lot of time sitting on the floor by his cage playing with his toys, petting and paying lots of attention to the cat, opening mail, that sort of thing. One day I was sitting with my back to the cage (they hate being ignored) and all of a sudden I hear the pitter patter of little feet and here's Dorian 'helping' me open the mail. I stepped him up onto my hand and put him back on his cage. Well, when he thought I wanted him on his cage he wanted notheing more than to be on the floor with me. He got soooo stubborn he forgot to be scared:lol:


It takes time but it's worth it. There's lots of good advice here. Happy reading!

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