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Hi everyone,

I just introduced myself in the wrong forum (sorry) so here we go again ;)

I'm Maria and I have 4 parrots, 1 Grey, 1 Bluefront, 1 Senegal and 1 Cockatiel. They are all aged around 10-11 years old, and I've had them all since they were babies except for the 'tiel, who's a rescue.

I also have 5 dogs and 4 tortoises.


I'm getting ready to redo my birdroom, and I need some ideas! My plan is to get rid of the cages and have them cage free in their room. I'm looking for ideas and tips on how to best do this, and I'm open to any suggestions!

I've already gotten some awesome playgyms and hanging gyms and perches and I can't wait to get started!


Thanks for letting me join your group, it's always fun to chat with other "parrotheads":P



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Hello Marie and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your flock.


With all those birds you do need a bird room, I only have two parrots but wish I had a room for them to theirselves but that won't happen.


I would keep their cages as they are their sanctuary, their safe place, they can be out of the cage in the room if they like but sometimes they just need to be to themselves and a place they can keep as their own space.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so please read thru them and do ask questions if you have them and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of your birds especially the grey and would share them with us we would love to see them.

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Thanks for the welcome! I've been reading some of the older posts and this forum is a wealth of great info. I'm glad I found it:P

I'll post some pics as soon as I've figured out how to download them from my new camera!



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Welcome maria!!


You have quite a flock their. We have some members that have set up rooms just for their parrots and I'm sure they will have some ideas for you.


Looking forward to hearing more and seeing those photos. :-)

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Hi and welcome Maria

Nice having you and your flock on the forum


Your birds must be very lucky to have a whole room on their own...I once read that each bird likes to have his or her own space but with a whole room they will all have lots of favorite spots and activities and freedom.

Im concerned about you having to keep all that clean so good luck



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