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she gets very cheeky


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When i'm home Tigerlily is out her cage almost all the time. the cage door stays open and she has water outside the cage but food stays inside.

quite often i'll leave her in the living room whilst i'm in the bedroom on the computer, i've taught her 2 come into the bedroom so if she wants company she comes in or she'll spend hrs ontop her cage throwing all her toys on the floor or standing ontop my tv trying 2 destroy it and biting my curtains lol.

when she wants company she'll spend a few hrs perched on my knee whilst i'm on the computer and we have lots of kisses and chat.


i've noticed recently that after several hrs out (5-6hrs) when she's with me she'll get very boistrus, biting me quite hard when i pick her up or go 2 touch her and flying places she's not alowed. if i put her in the other room she just comes straight back in.


so in an attempt 2 calm her down a bit i close her in her cage where she goes straight for her food.


could she b seeing the returning 2 her cage as punishment? does anyone else have similar problems and is there anything else i could b trying?


it just seems like 2 much time out her cage gets her 2 excited and out of control and she needs some quiet time to calm down.

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Your routine sounds a lot like ours. Bella and Jiggy are out of their cages all the time when I'm home as well. But, I've found that Jiggy, my conue, will forage at the foraging stations I have through out - either on their play stand (tall one) or the shorter ones, or the ones on their cage tops (I cover the area with shredded paper and toss food around under the paper so they have to hunt for it, and I also hide food in various things).


Bella, my grey, will forage, but she prefers to play with things. Her toy boxes contain sea shells, bannana flavored wood blocks, foraging boxes, large wooden beads etc.. She also has a stack of wood coasters she's claimed and I gave to her after they became so chewed up we couldn't use them. If I don't give her toys, or puzzles to play with, she'll start messing with me wanting to play, or she'll start playing with anything else she can find - to include my lamps, tables, chairs etc..!


So, even when they're out and about, I've found it important to have "planned" activities for them :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2009/03/08 18:37

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