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1st trip in adventure pack


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well Tigerlily and i took our 1st walk and posted a letter today.


i got soooo many odd looks and i checked myself in the mirror b4 i went and i must admit i did look pretty silly with a parrot cage on my back and nearly didn't go out lol.

but i think tigerlily enjoyed it even if she did spend all the time trying 2 balance on one foot whilst trying 2 eat.



here's a pick of the cage for those of u who don't know what i'm talking about





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I've been meaning to buy one of those adventure packs for years. I think it would be great to take Tyco out for walks in she is not anywhere near being able to be harness trained yet. I think I'll put my order in for one did you get a good deal on yours and if so is there a web site for where you bought it.

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i gave up on the harness as it stressed her out 2 much and the vet said it wasn't worth spoiling our strong relationship over.


i got the adventure pack from here





it's worth getting a few extra covers, i have 2 buy another one as tigerlily has allready bitten a large whole through it, in my opinion thats the only problem with the pack and it was a little smaller than i expected, i wouldn't like 2 keep her in it for a long time.


i've put a small toy and food bowl in there but yet 2 figgure out what 2 do with water as it spills everywhere and there's not really enough room 2 add these no spill water bottles, prob just keep offering it 2 her from a cup is the way 2 go.

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