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Ear PLUGS a must!


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I am strongly thinking of purchasing ear plugs. I wonder if any of you have already purchased them.


There are times that I feel that Emma is going to make me deaf at some point. Especially when she decides to call out very loud while on my shoulder. Now that Spring time is just around the corner she seems to be MUCH MUCH louder and excitable too.:whistle: So in the spirit of protecting my hearing I must find some excellent quality ear plugs.


Any feedback appreciated. :blush:




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Josey is fairly quiet also, she has her times when she is more vocal but they are not when she is on my shoulder but since greys are individuals I can imagine that some are loud. Sorry to hear you are resorting to wearing ear plugs but you do what you have to, wear the ear plugs and ignore it and maybe she will quit.:whistle:

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Thanks for the sympathy guys. Emma isn't constantly LOUD in fact she is pretty quiet but there are moments when her calls really catch me by surprise and yes especially when she is either on me or very close. She started talking since she was 10 months old and now she is 1 year old since yesterday. I'm not complaining but I do wish to preserve my hearing.


Here is a video of her afraid of the shadows on the ceiling.


and one of her horsing around.



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Well I've purchased my ear plugs. I purchased them at a store that sales hardware.. designed for those who work in construction. They are pretty comfortable and very very cheap. Mine are not the disposable type. Both of my parrots watched me insert them in my ears and seem pretty puzzled. Oh well! I am actually wearing my ear plugs right now and am patiently waiting either of my parrots to call out somehow... but they are quiet like bunnies.


It will be interesting to see how this pans out.:unsure:

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I've used earplugs around Dorian when I'm trying to ignore and extinguish a loud and obnoxious noise he's discovered. Just in the last few days he's been playing with bouncing the sound of a really high pitched scream off the concrete block wall behind his cage. I may be reaching for my ear plugs again soon. My sympathies to you and your ears!

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Here's an update. The ear plugs are great.B) I will be using them regularly and often. There is no reason not to especially at certain times of the day. My Emma is a yakker. Her yakking isn't loud at all but her practising of new found sounds can be quite passionate to say the least. Sometimes I get the impression that she imagines that she is at the top of a mountain and she is just calling out so that she can hear her voice bounce off of my wooden floors.:woohoo: I really don't want to stifle her in any way so for now this seems to be a great compromise.<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/09 04:31

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I have never had a problem with Tyco being loud which kinda suprizes me. Fergie screams at the top of her lungs first thing in the morning for about 10 minutes she gets the dogs howling because she's so loud it sounds like I'm in the middle of the jungle sometimes when Fergie Gizmo and the three dogs get going. I don't think Tyco likes it any more than I do so she doesn't scream at all ever she talks allot though and tell Fergie to be quiet and the dogs no barking. I usally stop all the noise by putting the dogs outside it makes Fergie mad she says no its not fair like I've spoilt all her fun but at least it shuts her up.:laugh: I have never thought of earplugs sounds like it might be a good investment

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