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budges,canarys ect!!


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I dont know what type of other bird on this topic.But i will put my on.

I have a little canary called monaleato,he is bright orange and he loves singing and whisteling.He is a little spanish canary.We love him too bits.


I was wourdering if anyone els has a budges and canary's Ect.

thanks greylover.

sorry about me bad english.

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Well he does do bits of it.He is macking good progress because theses are the words he can say:Woof woof,meow meow,quack quack,hear kittie kitte,wolf whistels.He sings a little bit of his favorite song.




i love lovebirds iv allways wanted one but i couldnt find one hear in spain so i got a canary (He's my little baby though)

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I have two budgies. Pepper and River.


Wont let me post one of Pepper but this is River my newest one.


Post edited by: Tari, at: 2007/06/06 12:20<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2007/06/06 12:20


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I had a budgie named Lucky who passed last year. I had him for 13 yrs. Great birds they are. Amazing talkers and such personalities if you are willing to spend the time and work with them. Lucky easily had a 100+ word vocab and would fly to my hand on command. Generally an underrated bird and a total steal at ~ $15.00 US!!! B)

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dblhelix wrote:

I had a budgie named Lucky who passed last year. I had him for 13 yrs. Great birds they are. Amazing talkers and such personalities if you are willing to spend the time and work with them. Lucky easily had a 100+ word vocab and would fly to my hand on command. Generally an underrated bird and a total steal at ~ $15.00 US!!! B)


Yes Mark.. and every bit as lovable as the mighty grey. I don't have a budgie but I do have a hand raised Cedar Waxwing.. I think of her with the same love and caring as I do Ceasar.. She is just as much a part of the family as any other living thing in the house..



xena033007.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/06/07 19:54

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Tari wrote:

wow so cool. I know someone that has a pet blue jay. It talks and flies all about her house. Unfortantly cant take it to the vet if anything happens cause they well take it.


Yes Tari.. You are so correct about that. Native birds are not allowed to be kept as pets.. and get this.. If they are confiscated guess what they do?... They KILL them.. It makes NO SENSE to me.. But this is in fact.


When I raised Hercules.. our late European Starling, we didn't have a problem because Starlings are NOT native to this country.. They came from the Uk when someone released 180 pairs in central park NY.. Something to do with Shakespeare's writings.. They wanted all the birds written about by Shakespeare to be here in the US.. That's a true story.


The Blue Jay is one of those birds that I would just love to raise as a hand fed baby.. They are so pretty.. but I also understand that they are also very agressive.. Not sure they would make good pets..


Here's an old shot of a blue jay I took many months ago.. I kinda like this shot myself..


bluejay4-12-07.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/06/08 01:41

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Zena is beautiful B) And some birds should stay in the wild I think, so I personally have no problem with restrictions (Blue Jay)....


I just love {Love-0002011E}wild birds...

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she is beautiful fairY.Id o agree with fairY that some birds shoould stay in thew wild.

I used to have 2 budgies joey and bluey.(in england)But one day we was all sat at the table and we hear a noise and the cat knowcked the table from out side where they where because it was warm.And the door came open and one flew out but the other never.Anyway we moved to spain and so we give a friend joey.And he is still alive today.The man never puts them in a cage they fly aroung all day and they have food trays that they go to and eat.


sorry about my spelling im in a bit of a rush lol.

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Of course wild birds should stay wild.. but there are times when a baby will be in distress. Falls from his nest.. Is laying there on the cold concrete.. wait to die.. So, being hand raised with Humans and becoming a part of a Human flock can't be a bad second choice.. Especially when death was looming..


The problem with hand raising most wild birds is that they bond to their human caregiver.. So once raised that can't be released into the wild. For one they didn't have their mother and father around to teach them how to be birds...


Releasing a Human raised baby is a death sentence. Not only that but a cruel one. When that baby first tries to integrate back into the bird world the other birds will reject it.. They will die hungry and LONELY.. I don't know about you guys but I would rather die of hunger then to die of Loneliness..


Anyway.. I write this because some folks don't know this about baby birds.. So I pass on you you guys what I have learned in raising Hercules.. and Zena..

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nice, so what was the trick to embedding? B) my guess is its pretty simple once you know the steps. I messed with some of the options/buttons in the "reply" menus like "Img" and "URL" but gave up after a few unseccessful tries...:S<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/06/11 02:10

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dblhelix wrote:

nice, so what was the trick to embedding? B) my guess is its pretty simple once you know the steps. I messed with some of the options/buttons in the "reply" menus like "Img" and "URL" but gave up after a few unseccessful tries...:S<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/06/11 02:10

Use these in brackets




Sorry CD, I'll upload it to my Photobucket and downsize it.... Few minutes PLZ


Donethumb[1].gif<br><br>Post edited by: Number6, at: 2007/06/11 02:27

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