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No Dollar Toy

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I have an pepsi bottle that I put small bells in and put the lid back on tightly so they can't open it. They haven't lost interest in it yet and it's been about 3 months ago that I tried this out. It gets beat up and yelled at on a daily basis:laugh: :woohoo:

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You continue to amaze me with your ideas for toys from simple things you find, thanks for sharing all these ideas with us, beats going out and paying big bucks for toys they distroy in no time and I have better things to spend my money on, like eating:S :laugh:

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Be very careful about putting bells in those bottles. My grey Zimba eats the caps off eventually and he got a bell out and got the bell stuck on his lower beak and the vet had to surically remove it. That ten cent bell ended costing me 85 bucks to remove and hours of discomfort to my grey. NO BELLS::::

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