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Siamese Cat vs CAG


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An Axe always solves that problem. ;-)


Seriously, you can't stop a cat that wants to eat something leave it alone. It is their natural instinct to want to eat birds, rodents etc.


Keep your cat in a room when your Grey is out. Thats the only solution. If the cat is trying to bat your Grey through the cage bars, put the cat outside or find another home for it or your Grey will die one of these days.

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I hope your not serious when you say that your hitting this cat. I had a siamese cat for awhile also. it was fine while it was a kitten but I soon realized that it was not a good Idea to keep cats and parrots in the samme house. I found a new home for my cat with a cat lover friend of mine. She had just had to put her siamese cat to sleep so I gave her mine to ease the pain. My birds are safer this way. I don't think there is anything you can do to stop the cat from trying to eat your birds its just instince for him to kill and eat birds and a pet bird is easy prey. If you want to keep your birds safe get rid of the cat.

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If your grey was going after the cat, would you start to kick him, punch him and hit him with sticks?


"""Is there something else I should be hitting him with?""


Hit him with petting and affection.


Try to show kindness and understanding. In case you forgot, it's a cat.

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I think it's pretty clear that the OP was being sarcastic about the hitting of the cat...


There's not much you can do other than making sure the two are not alone together. You can't make the cats instincts disappear unfortunately.

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I agree on separating them. I have cats and a dog. I remember after I got Omar (my grey) that I had read a very important sentence that sticks with me still today. It was something to the effect of, "If a cat and a bird or even a dog and a bird get in a fight (even a play fight), there will be a guaranteed loser, and that is the bird."


If the bird isn't killed by the animal itself, then it can die days later from the illness that will follow the infection it will almost surely get if cat claws penetrate its bird skin.


It's a tough one, and I've always been very careful. We have 3 cats- Rita, Tillie and Sylvester. Rita and Tillie have no desire whatsoever to interact with our two Congos. They are barely even humored by the fact that the birds call them by name. Sylvester on the other hand lives up to his name and is constantly dreaming of playing with one of the birds, or whatever else a cat may dream or wish for when it comes to birds. We never leave Sylvester unattended around the birds. And just to be on the safe side, we even close the main door to Omar's and Ozzie's room when we are gone, even though we do trust Rita and Tillie, we would just be devestated if something happened and there is no sense in leaving that window of opportunity open.


As far as your cat, I also agree with the other responders. Don't be so mad at the cat. It is instinct. For reason, some cats, such as Rita and Tillie are able to completely get over that instinct and not even seem interested in the birds. Others, it's just not so easy for. It's not the cats fault. If you have a big enough home, you should keep them separated. I hate to see anyone have to give up a pet, but you do have to ensure the safety of both, and please don't be mad at the kitty.


Have you had both of them - the bird and the cat- a while? I found with Rita and Tillie that at first they were both very interested in the birds, but when they saw that we loved the birds and we loved them, that to me is when they realized that they shouldn't mess with them. Again, Sylvester is just different and I wish it weren't the case, but that's just the way it goes. Maybe one day he will come around.


Good luck with this.

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If you're serious, I suggest you find new homes for both animals. Your ideas on how to get an animal to stop doing something is horrible. What are you doing to your grey to get him to stop undesirable behavior? Wait, don't answer that, I don't want to know. Shame on you. :angry:

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I really hope he is joking:angry: !!!

My dog DeeDee is a hunting dog and was desperate to get at my bird Rocky. but after a few weeks of reasuring her that the bird was no threat and she realised that rocky could feed her tit bits from the cage, she left him alone.

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My cat knows that the bird would win in a fight so we don't have and issue at my house. All of my pets get along and even sleep together. The bird even eats with the dogs when they get fed. Just one big happy pack/pride/flock/herd :) .


On a regular basis I find myself with 4 pets laying on me when I watch TV.<br><br>Post edited by: Zpyder, at: 2009/03/09 18:07

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