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I am new to the forum and wanted to introduce myself. My new Babies name is Ella she is a CAG that is 12weeks old we brought her home from the breeder last night. She is beautiful and full of energy and affection. We are feeding her food with a syringe which I now find out shows we chose a substandard breeder. I am afraid of doing something wrong after reading all the horror stories on this site. We are feeding her lots of fruits and vegies and sprouts as well as syringes of Kaytee Handweening diet three times a day. Please offer any advice.





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Hi EllaDad,


Welcome to the forum.


Was your baby sold to you as being weaned or did the breeder make you fully aware the baby had not weaned and still needed 3 feeds a day?


Is your baby Ella eating anything on her own? Does she eat the fruits and veggies? Is she on any pellets or seed? Just a bit more info on her diet would be great.


Below is a guide to handfeeding, it does vary for each bird as they do wean at different ages. Two of mine were fully weaned by 12 weeks the other took a bit longer.




It all depends on what your baby is eating to how many feeds she should be having.


I hope the guide will help you, If she is not accepting pellets yet, try them and they can also be slightly moist if she refuses to eat them dry.


Please keep us updated and ask any questions you may have:)

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Hello Jake and welcome to the family, so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Ella.


You are so right, a reputable breeder should not have sold you an unweaned bird for as you have found out from reading this forum that there are a lot of things that can go wrong but we do have some threads, especially in the nursery room that you definitely should read thoroughly.


It does seem you are offering her the other foods she needs to be eating right now and will need to replace the formula when the handfeeding is over.


Continue to read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Ella you would share with us we would love to see her.

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Thank for such a warm welcome. We were told that Ella was slow to wean and needed to go home so she could fledge properly as the othe birds in the aviary might bite her toes off if she tried to land on a cage there. I have orderd Scenic hand weaning pellets to start the process. Ella seems happy with her plelets (Hrrisons high potency) she will crunch one and eat what ever stays in her mouth. I have also read some terrible things about that Kytees weaning formula (Breeders choice) are you framiliar with how bad that stuff may be? She will mouth the veggies and eat just a little. The sprouts she has no interest in. Also she sleeps by putting her head staight back and closing her eyes is that normal. I thought birds put their head under a wing. As far as feeding the formula she is a champ at that, the breeder said do not feed her until she refuses as she will eat until she pukes. I am doing three feedings today against the suggestion of the breeder she seems hungery.



Thanks again




Post edited by: EllaDad, at: 2009/03/07 23:43


Post edited by: EllaDad, at: 2009/03/07 23:44<br><br>Post edited by: EllaDad, at: 2009/03/07 23:47


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Welcome Jake!!


Sorry to hear you got a bad breeder. The good thing of this is your baby Grey found a very responsible and loving father. :-)


You sound like you have studied quite a bit in a short time, to ensure you are feeding your baby properly and bringing it right along.


The photo says it all, thanks for sharing it. :-)

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For the record I really thought our breeder was good and I was very impressed with a lot about her operation. She seemed to have been up on many points that seem important to those at this site unfortunatly fully weaning wasn't one of them. We are off to the vet for our wellbird visit.

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Glad to hear that you are taking her for a check with vet. Is it a certified avian vet? Very important. Unfortunately so many new owners think they can skip this important step. The vet will be a wonderful source of information if you pick the right one.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/03/09 03:48

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Eesh! I hate to hear about bad breeders. My parrot weaned at 23 weeks old. If I were you I would try to find someone who is very experienced at hand feeding so they can help you out as well as teach you how to hand feed asap. Hand feeding is not hard but it isn't easy either and there are so many factors that you must be aware of while handfeeding or you'll end up with a very sick parrot. Maybe get in touch with an avian vet so that they can teach you or put you in touch with an appropriate person.<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/09 04:19

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Vet visit went well. All Signs are that my hand feeding is doing well. I have two questions though.

1) How much should I be giving her the breeder said 3-4 the vet said 3 syringes (3x10ml) The link up top says 45ml. All say feel the crop. :woohoo: I feel like its abit nebulus for something so fundamental to the process.

2) My bird climbs to the top of her cage and throws herself to the bottom. It looks like it hurts but she seems to take it well. How do I make sure she is ok after each fall (where to look/how to apraise damage)


More pics below






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It's good to hear the vet visit went well.


Your Grey is around 13 weeks now and normally they are on 2 to 3 feedings a day at that point depending on if and how much food they will eat in between.


You could try 2 feedings a day of 45 - 60 ml, once in the morning and once in the evening. Give moistened pellets, warm veggies, a little seeds or nuts during the 12 hours between feedings and see how you Grey eats. You can also offer warmed up baby foods from the supermarket and spoon feed it to him.


Thats rather odd behaviour, but sounds like it is big fun to your grey. Please place some soft towels on the bottom to absorb the impact. The biggest danger would be your baby grey splitting open it's keel and needing an emergency vet visit to have it sown up.


Thats a great looking cage and tall. Thats a long way down for you bird to be free-falling to.

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Dan gave you some excellent advice Jake and I don't think you can overfeed him, give him all he wants.


That is unusual for him to climb up and throw himself to the bottom but place his perches lower and do pad the bottom of the cage with towels or blankets to cushion the falls.


You have a nice setup there in your picture you shared with us.

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Is there a spot on this forum where I can find avian vets that are preferred? The one I went to was good but not great. It seems after my exhaustive reading that this is an important point. Any help is greatly appreciated.




Jake<br><br>Post edited by: EllaDad, at: 2009/03/11 18:16

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