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Hello Lainee and welcome to the family, so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Roxie.


How old is Roxie? You have had here since December but did you get her as a baby grey or is she a rehome or a rescue grey? Is this your first grey or parrot?


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We would love to see a picture or two of Roxie if you would share them with us.

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yes had roxie the end of December she is around 18 months old now according to the person i had her off, though have not her sexed, i dont have any history of her really i was looking for a hand reared baby but the breeder said he had roxie who needed a home so we had her, i am a novice , tried to get her to eat fruit and veg but she wont touch any of it, she whistles but does not say anything i guess some just dont talk,she will step up on to my arm but wont let me touch her i would love to , i will get some pics of her soon



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judygram wrote:

Hello Lainee and welcome to the family, so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Roxie.


How old is Roxie? You have had here since December but did you get her as a baby grey or is she a rehome or a rescue grey? Is this your first grey or parrot?


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We would love to see a picture or two of Roxie if you would share them with us.

thanks for the welcome i will post some pics of roxie soon :laugh:
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Lainee - In regards fruit and veggies. They are finicky eaters and need to be taught to eat a variety or foods. Many of us have had to just keep offering different mixtures of veggies, cooked, raw etc. to find what they prefer. They may not eat them right off the bat, but just keep offering them to your grey daily and you will notice some picking/eating start.


The same goes with fruit. Just don't give as large quantities as veggies and only offer fruit 2 or 3 times a week maximum. Many Greys like Apple, Grapes, Apricots, Peaches etc.


I just wanted to comment on your willingness to take in an 18 month old Grey. That was a wonderful thing to do and I guarantee you that you will be rewarded with tons of good times, love and trust and time goes on. Greys take time to adjust to new homes and people. It sounds like you have already started a trusting relationship with him. :-)

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danmcq wrote:

Lainee - In regards fruit and veggies. They are finicky eaters and need to be taught to eat a variety or foods. Many of us have had to just keep offering different mixtures of veggies, cooked, raw etc. to find what they prefer. They may not eat them right off the bat, but just keep offering them to your grey daily and you will notice some picking/eating start.


The same goes with fruit. Just don't give as large quantities as veggies and only offer fruit 2 or 3 times a week maximum. Many Greys like Apple, Grapes, Apricots, Peaches etc.


I just wanted to comment on your willingness to take in an 18 month old Grey. That was a wonderful thing to do and I guarantee you that you will be rewarded with tons of good times, love and trust and time goes on. Greys take time to adjust to new homes and people. It sounds like you have already started a trusting relationship with him. :-)

Yes i was wary of taking on roxie at first as i have never owned a parrot but i did lots of research and still doing that and she seems happy enough we are going to take her to an avian vet soon for a health check just funds are tight at the moment you know how it is. moto_0060.jpg


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Hi Lainee

Welcome to our grey family

Nice photos of Roxie

Hope you are getting along together well

Since Roxie is not showing interest in vegies, try bean sprouts, you can sprout them your self and greys love them, they are very nutricious

you can also try nuts like almonds, pistacio, walnuts, peanuts, even macademia.

You can try once in a while chilli pepper or ginger

Keep trying until Roxie finds her favourits

corn on the cob or baby corn are also great


Best of luck...


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Roxie is adorable from the pic you shared with us, she looks healthy but be sure to get her checked out as soon as you can.


Keep offering her veggies, sometimes after ignoring them for quite a while they take a notion to try them and like them, don't give up.

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i have a 10yr. old grey that ive only had a month now. when i first got him he wouldnt let me touch him either but the local bird shop here said to sit down with the bird on your lap and wrap him in a towel so only his head is showing then scratch his head. well this totally worked for me!!! only 2 times of doing it with the towel and he loved it. now all i have to do is show him the towel and he runs to me to step up cause he knows whats coming next(scratches lol) dont be scared if he jumps around at first cause he probly will. but it is much worth it in the end!! good luck and keep us posted

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Lainee - The towel may or may not be a good idea. Try it, but do not make it a traumatic experience for your Grey. They do need to become being used to toweling, but sometimes in a slow and fun fashion for them.


If you Grey has had a bad experience with a towel previously, it could actually set you back on the trust department with your Grey. Bring it out, let him see it, touch it etc. Just see how he reacts first. :-)

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danmcq wrote:

Lainee - The towel may or may not be a good idea. Try it, but do not make it a traumatic experience for your Grey. They do need to become being used to toweling, but sometimes in a slow and fun fashion for them.


If you Grey has had a bad experience with a towel previously, it could actually set you back on the trust department with your Grey. Bring it out, let him see it, touch it etc. Just see how he reacts first. :-)

Yes i will take it slowly wait till the weekend when hubbys at work i take her in the bedroom then can put the towel on the bed etc next thing will be introducing her to the bathroom , she doesnot mind being misted with water .
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  • 3 weeks later...

roxie went to the avian vet he was very informative

she was an angel and he said we are lucky to have one so laid back

i asked about her flying or lack of it and we looked at her wing seems she had an accident when she was young and it was not checked out so she will never fly.

well i feed and clean her out etc but it is my husband whom she loves so i get him eating apples etc in front of her then give her some and she has been eating fruit that way.

she is happy enough she is out of her cage all day on her playstand but i keep it next to her cage so she can go in and out as she pleases

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So Roxie behaved herself at the vet's office, not too many do that, you are very lucky to have one that is so laid back.


Thats too bad about her wing but it sounds like she does just fine and is happy, thats all that really counts.


Thanks for letting us know how the vet visit went and I assume that everything checked out ok except for her wing.

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lainee wrote:

roxie went to the avian vet he was very informative

she was an angel and he said we are lucky to have one so laid back

i asked about her flying or lack of it and we looked at her wing seems she had an accident when she was young and it was not checked out so she will never fly.

well i feed and clean her out etc but it is my husband whom she loves so i get him eating apples etc in front of her then give her some and she has been eating fruit that way.

she is happy enough she is out of her cage all day on her playstand but i keep it next to her cage so she can go in and out as she pleases


had some vitamin a powder to sprinkle on her food her eyes were a bit bulgy not flat as they should be i forgot that bit

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