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Local Bird Shop~Stolen Grey


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This is so sad...I've met Robbert many times...:( :angry:


SACRAMENTO, Calif. - Trouble first vanished from The Bird Shop, and now Robbert has been bird-napped.



Surveillance video shot Wednesday shows a man taking Robbert, an African Grey Parrot, from the Auburn Boulevard pet store.


A ruby macaw named Trouble was taken from the store in November, but it was returned with the help of an anonymous tipster.


A store worker said two men in their 30s or 40s came into the store at about 1:45 p.m. One of them distracted the store owner by talking to her.



The video shows the other man waiting around, then opening the cage for an Amazon parrot named Sunshine, and then quickly pulling his hand away. It's unknown if Sunshine bit him.


After a few minutes, the man is seen opening Robbert's cage, and then puts the parrot under his shirt.


The man talking to the store owner walks out first, the video shows, and the bird-napper follows behind him.


A witness said the two men fled in a red, mid-size, sporty-looking car.


A customer walked up to the owner before her conversation with the first man, the worker said, and told her she saw the two men bothering Trouble.


The man who distracted the store owner had some kind of accent, the worker said.


Robbert is about 10 inches tall, gray and white, with scalloped-looking feathers and a bright red tail. He has a bad right leg that is curved, and the tip of his beak is rounded off and dull.


The worker said Robbert talks. He can say "Hello Robbert," and makes many sounds, including car alarms, phones, wolf-whistles, screams, and laughter.


Some customers have said they would offer cash rewards for his return.


Police have been notified about the bird-napping.


Please send your thoughts/prayers this way for Robbert's safe return.<br><br>Post edited by: HeatherStrella, at: 2009/03/07 04:11

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That bird must be a real sweet heart to have tollerated being stuffed under someones shirt without making a fuss. I hope he's ok and these creeps get what is comeing to them. please keep us updated. I just never understood people that do these things. They must have hearts of stone. To steel someones pet is just like steeling someones child and if I was the judge in these matters i would sentence these people to the same penalty that they would get for kidnapping. It makes me so sad for the people who lost Robert. I know what its like to lose a pet this way. My prize Shith-zu that I had for 9 yrs that I got when he was just 5 weeks old was stolen right out of my yard. I hope and pray that Robert finds his way back home and the people that took him go to jail for a very long time. This story really hits a sore spot with me.

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>>To steel someones pet is just like steeling someones child and if I was the judge in these matters i would sentence these people to the same penalty that they would get for kidnapping. It makes me so sad for the people who lost Robert. I know what its like to lose a pet this way. >>


That's an interesting thought, and I agree. The problem is that we consider animals to be property -- stuff. Like lamps and cellphones.


If we start seeing animals as something other than property -- something more like sentient beings with rights -- then we could make enormous progress.

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DavidH wrote:


Good point David. I truly believe we are reaching that point, at lest at governmental levels. The SPCA, humane society etc. will go out and remove any critters from an unhealthy environment, that are obviously in need of attention health wise and many times fine and sometimes imprison the neglectful owners.


It's the Critter owners that are for the most part living in the dark ages regarding the fact that critters are in fact sentient beings.

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