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dive bombing

Guest jamalbirdbiz

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Marvin has been dive bombing more than usual lately. I would like to know y. NOrmally he only dive bombs when he wants to be let out to fly in the living room or when he wants to listen to his favorite music (old school rap).


He is fast and lotz of the time u don't here him coming and before you know it he nailz u. :evil: Itz not really a biggie when u know y hez doing it, but lately we cant figure it out.





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It sounds to me like he wants attention and is doing the only thing he knows that will get him that attention. Mabie spend some time teaching him some new tricks or play a game of catch with a small ball or something. He's sounds like he's bored and needs somthing new to occupy his time.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

MayB he needz more time alone with Molly is what Im' thinking. I think il'l try that. Thankz a bunch.



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jamalbirdbiz wrote:

MayB he needz more time alone with Molly is what Im' thinking. I think il'l try that. Thankz a bunch.




What made you come to that conclusion so hastily?


When you say he is "Dive Bombing", what specifically do you mean? Is he landing and biting? Is he just skimming across your head?


It sounds like it's been going on a while and may simply be a really fun activity to him depending on you and others reaction to it.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/03/07 15:00

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I thought by dive bombing you meant the sound that birds make when they go- well really i can't even type it- you know when they make that sound like they are bombing something and then it lands with a crash. Omar does this when the UPS man comes in with packages. He always bombs him. Also, there are a couple of our customers that he bombs. Not so sure why, but it is amusing.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Dive bombing is when Marvin flies full speed at you (when your back is turned( and pecks your head while in flight mode. NO biggie. We are used to it by now. A couple band aids and some alcohol (not malt liquor alcohol) usually doez the trick :silly:


We have been giving him more alone x with Molly and he is only doing it now when he wantz to here some old school rap. We will trie to modifyee thingz again if he goes back to diving bombing for no good reason. :evil:

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The other day when you first posted about the dive bombing I went to your profile to see if you were talking about some young bird. So, I read your profile. Another situation here is that some people don't go reading profiles so many don't see your attitude and insulting attitude.


"""I didn't join this forum to get ragged on by you wacko animal rights people, so save your nutty rantings.""""


So I assume that you only wanna talk to people who believe in what you want. Problem is that you're quick to insult people here who don't think like you and you like classifing them with special descriptions which isn't accepted here very well. But the people here are still nice enough to be helpful but they won't with your attitude.


""""Wanting to earn some extra money by breeding birds and I need advice. I didn't join this forum to get ragged on by you wacko animal rights people, so save your nutty rantings. I would like to talk with other grey breeders that are al so members of the forum to get some insider information into the biz."""


Insider information--hey buddy, this isn't Wall strreet.


You can go to other places that have people like you where you can get that information. Thwey're also nasty and insulting just like you. The world of birds doesn't need people like you who say that you're gonna keep a rolling inventory going cause you have no idea what you're talking about. It's people with your attitude that give legitimate breeders a bad name


"""I am NOT a member of this forum because I want to get nagged by animal wright's wackos. Just because you think it is unconscounable to make money off of aniamsal by reproducing them for profit does'nt mean everybody thinks crazy like that. """""



"""I have two greys. Molly is the famel and Marvin is the male. I am considering breeding them as a side business. I am NOT a member of this forum because I want to get nagged by animal wright's wackos. Just because you think it is unconscounable to make money off of aniamsal by reproducing them for profit does'nt mean everybody thinks crazy like that.""""


Again, some more name calling. You have no idea how people feel here and they have a right to feel the way they want and don't need people like you insulting them. You don't know what they're thinking.


There's a lot of people here who are friends of mine and others who aren't friends of mine but I don't like the way you're referring to them. It's none of your business about the way they think or feel.

"""This is america - a free country - if you have'nt noticed yet. I am not a hypocrite that talks out of both sides of my mouth. I am man nuff to say that this venture would be for profit - not a meer hobby - u wo'nt catch me playing word games""""



You wanna be part of this family of people who love birds for loads of different reasons?


Well, watch your mouth or I'll have you thrown off this board before you can blink.


Keep your private feelings to yourself.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/03/08 18:51

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I agree with Dave's comments on your "About Me" section.


Since you seem to answer your own questions also, I won't waste my time providing an answer any more.


I wouldn't buy a parrot from a breeder as you seemingly wish to become. A true breeder is a noble person that does so lovingly and responsibly. They raise the chicks until fully weaned, provide lots of attention, interaction and socialization.


They are not just "Breeding farms" with many pairs of birds just laying eggs and cranking out inferior and cruelly treated birds that end up in rescues do to inexperienced bird owners purchasing one and then not being able to deal with all the issues the basically wild Grey has with no human interaction skills.


Oh... by the way, breeding birds and raising the chicks is no cheap matter and you will work your butt off with all the feeding times around the clock, brooder upkeep etc........So it's not just an easy cash cow like you seem to be thinking.......

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Thank you Dave for bringing this to everyone's attention and writing what I had on my mind all along, you have such a way of putting into words and the balls to say what you really feel, love ya man.


Your comments weren't half bad either Dan, love you too.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Marvin is at it again. He dive bombed again tonight while flying around in the living room listening to his favorite music :evil: I will change thingz up to try to help him calm down. Molly normally onlee likez flying in their room, but i might start letting her fly out in the living room with Marvin, so i am guessing that will help fix thingz with Marvin. I will let every 1 know what happenz.



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I am so pleased that you had the guts to speak your mind Dave.


I too saw the profile info the other day and was really shocked by what I read. Everyone on here has the right to speak their mind but I found the profile very insulting and very rude.


We are all a friendly bunch on here who love our birds and want nothing more than to give them the best we can.


If you really want to be a part of this forum just give a thought to the things you type and all the members on here.

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In reference to a comment below, please note that this is NOT America. This is an international forum with members from all over the world.


You can have your opinions like every one else but keep that self righteous nationalistic crap out of here, please. Unfortunately it usually a knee jerk reaction to justify excuses and selfish purposes instead of thoughtful integrity and rarely is it meant in its true patriotic sense.


Thank you for your understanding.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Well the dive bombing has started to dye down sum. I have started spending more 1-on=1 time with Marvin just hanging ount and stuff and he haz calmed down. He has takin a likeng to soul music and R&b and i think this has helped him to take a down a notch -- more sooothing i think - so it been pretty cool lately :silly:



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Thank you DAVE007 for speaking your mind!! I read his profile too and was pretty pissed but decided I should ignore it! Looks like he is doing the same thing, I guess he has nothing to say about what everyone here is saying! Probally because its the truth!

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Hello my fello grey luvers ---


Molly my sweet sixteen birdie has started dive bombing. :evil: She is'nt that good at it yet, but she is getting there lol. She has started flying in the living room with Marvin and she normallly just sits on the curtain rod and hangs out, but lately when u turn ur back she tryes to land on ur haed :evil: and peck. Shez not that good at it and she normallly just slides off ur head and screamz but tryes to peck while fallling. She does'nt fall to ground completely. She just fallls and pecks watever she can; screems, and flyes off. I do'nt want to lock her up in the birdrum cuz she likez the living room better.


pleaze help



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Has either of these Greys ever been a companion Parrot or were they both previous breeders?


If they were breeders, you are going to have a lot of work ahead of you to get them calmed down around people in what they consider THEIR space.


If could also be that Molly is targeting the highest spot on you as the landing strip as as she becomes unstable and looses traction, starts grabbing to stay up top and screams when falling and flying off.


You need to use your arm as the landing target, ensuring you are prepared for the dive bomb flight at you. Since you already know it's going to happen, watch her body language as you walk by or start turning to leave the room. There will be no doubt in your mind that she is in a "Prepare to take off" posture.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

I have started putting my arms down for her to land on and its ben helping to break her falll. She still pecks,screems and flies off. She is geting better at landing. Marvin was not a breeder, but Molly was "used" for breeding B4. She was attackeded by other mails after her first mate died. She was un happy and plucked out all her feathers. The breeeder guy was going to have her 'put down' cuz she was'nt mating, ect. My wife got her and brougt her home after she heard the guy talkin bout it with the vet. She has alll her feathers now and luvs to fly around with Marvin. Thanks for the advisse. I will kepp u all updated on them and there favorite activitee. lol

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It's good to hear she is starting to land on your arm as the target. That is a very stable place she will soon learn can be trusted as a good perch.


From the description of what that poor girl Molly ahs been through. It's no wonder she has a bit of an attitude and perhaps was not treated the best by her former owner.


Keep up the good work of getting her to target that arm and offer her a treat she loves as a reward before she goes into the nipping mode if you can. If she does nip, pleas try to keep your arm steady and gently roll it forward or backward enough to just stop her from biting. If she gets a reaction like the arm flailing and you saying ouch or some other word(s), it could encourage the behavior. She needs to know that Arm is like a strong branch she can always trust.


The good behavior will be encouraged with the treat. If she bites, don't give her the treat.


Positive re-enforcement works wonders on Greys with issues. Just time and patience and she calm down for you.


Good luck with this and keep us posted.. :-)

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Thankz Dan, I have been spending more x with Molly. I waz told that breeder birdz normally dislike people, B cuz they think all people R the same as the breederz who uzed them to make money offf their chickz. I was informed that B cuz they see the breederz come into their home (cage) and steal their chickz from them that they think that alll people are mean and will keep taking everything that they luv. I would not truzt people either if me and my wife kept having babies and strange people came into my house and took them away and sold them. So I can see y breeder birdz dislike people az much az they do.


Molly is starting to land on my armz, but she still peckz and flyz off. No biggie. :P



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Thats great progress in getting the target area as your arm, rather than your head.


I guess us humans do deserver a few "Picks" in her eyes due to "Child Stealing". She will learn that you are a "Different" human over time and your progress is already showing that.


Keep up the good work! :-)

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Pax will occasionally do something similar to that - she starts cawing like she means it then proceeds to fly really low - close to the head. I'm not very concerned about it at the moment - it's the kind of thing she likes to do when she's desperate for attention. I get a kick out of it when she does it to guests I'm not fond of.

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For the most part breeder birds are human aggressive because for the most part they have never been socialized to humans, and what little they have seen of them, is the human invading their territory.


Also, greys will use their break as we use our hands when we lose balance. But to humans that do not understand this, it looks like a bite. (But in your case if Molly was a breeder, she may actually be trying to chase you off from her nest).

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest jamalbirdbiz

I ben keeping my arm strong and she haz ben nailing her landing prettty solid lee. She clampz down with her beke :evil: )I think so she does'nt fall( I alwayz try to give her a treet, but she flyz off B4 I can with her usual screem. :( I willl keep u enformed on her progrez.


Thankz, Jamal

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