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Hi everyone. I am new to the site and new to the bird world. I got Malaki here about a week ago and just wanted to introduce myself. I have been observing and reading information on this forum for a month or so in preperation of purchasing a bird. I am sure I will have 10,000 questions in the future so I am looking forward to hearing everyones responses. Thanks for being there to help people like me who are new to such a wonderful experience. I am very excited about Malaki being in our home and in our lives. See you all around the forum.

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Hello and welcome to the forum. Glad you finally joined us. :) You can ask as many questions as you want. Lord knows I did:laugh: and there is usally always someone on to help answer any questions.


So you have only had Malaki for a week now? I bet you are on cloud nine still. Greys are such wonderful companions as I'm sure you already know. So how old is Malaki, is it a boy or a girl? Lookig forward to hearing more about you and Malaki.

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Hello Blln314 and welcome to the family, so glad you have found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Malaki, what a beautiful name for a grey.


You came to the right place looking for information and advice about the grey as we have a wealth of it and some very knowledgeable members who go out of their way to help one another.


Continue to read thru the many threads for lots of useful info and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


He/she is a fine looking grey from your avatar and if you want to share some more pictures with us please do.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

As the "unofficial" chairman of the welcoming committee I would like to welcome u to the family. Make yourself at home.


Jamal (Greyluver)

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BaxtersMom wrote:

Hello and welcome to the forum. Glad you finally joined us. :) You can ask as many questions as you want. Lord knows I did:laugh: and there is usally always someone on to help answer any questions.


So you have only had Malaki for a week now? I bet you are on cloud nine still. Greys are such wonderful companions as I'm sure you already know. So how old is Malaki, is it a boy or a girl? Lookig forward to hearing more about you and Malaki.


Malaki is about 14 weeks or so I have been told. I have not had him sexed but his breeder said he had 3 clutch mates and two looked very simillar in size, color looks etc. One she kept and had it sexed and it was a female. So she thinks Malaki is probably a male. Not sure though. He had been wonderful so far. He is not completely weaned and I am still feeding him a blended diet once a day but he eats pellets good and he loves carrots. Thats about the only veggie he eats on his own though right now.

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luvparrots wrote:

Hi blln314, is Malaki a baby grey or an older grey? I read your first post where you had an eye on a 7-year-old grey back in February. So I was curious. Can't wait to hear more about Malaki and see some pictures. Welcome to the family!


The adoption of the second hand grey fell through. No big deal though becuase I never met him so it was not a big disapointment. I got Malaki at a bird fair. I went to look and not intending to buy but there was a goog strong connection with him so I went for it. So far so good.

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One question I did have was Malaki is a little bare on the chest feathers. He is not pulling them out becuase there are not any around. I was told that they are the last to grow in and not to worry. Should this be a concern or is that true?

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If Malaki is the age you say and she hasn't been fully weaned yet, then yes the feathers will be uneven as they come in. The bird starts out being one big ball of white fluff when it's born. As some time passes the white fluff slowly comes off and are replaced with feathers but they don't all grow in evenly. Some areas will look thinner and some colors won't quite match up yet but by the time your bird is 4 mts old, you will have already forgotten about the time you looked at him and thought that his feathers were a bit thin in certain areas.

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judygram wrote:

It sort of looks like the pics were taken outside, were they? I would be careful of having him outside without any kind of harness on him or enclosed in some sort of cage, I wouldn't want you to lose him as many have.


They were and from what I read it is important to get them outside for sunlight. His wings are clipped and he can not fly but am I missing something. Should he go outside or not. He is supervised while he is outside so he won't be attacked by any neighborhood cats or anything.


I guess I should just bring him out in a cage. What kind of harness do you mean?<br><br>Post edited by: blln314, at: 2009/03/08 07:42

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