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Is Lactase-free Milk Okay?


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Offering Kofi a little cereal I noticed that he really likes milk. Lactose-intolerant myself, my milk is lactose free. Casein might be a little heavy to digest, but it's probably a great source of calcium; very bioavailable. Does anyone have any experience with this? It's low fat, so I suppose its like tiny bits of low-fat, salt-free cheese.


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I share my morning cereal with Misty but I always use soya milk substitute. I use salt free cereals and add crushed fruit of various kinds. He loves this and so do I.

In fact because he likes so share all my meals i always buy food with him in mind ! I think he has improved my diet no end :)


Steve n Misty

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Hi, I asked my avian vet this question a well, as I'm lactose intolerant too and Bella seems to love my lactose free milk. Birds don't have the ability to digest lactose, but lactose free milk does not harm them. Since I get the Calcium enriched type, I'm hoping this will also benefit Bella as Greys do seem to have issues with a calcium deficiencies.

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Talon wrote:

Lactose free milk is not okay to give to your birds. In the research I have done, it is more harmful than regular milk itself.


Talon, can you elaborate on that? I'd certainly want to let the vet know who told me this that he's handing out incorrect information.

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And to Baxter's Mom for the excellent website. Consensus seems to be that small amounts of lactose-free milk should be harmless, and the calcium content might make it helpful. Kofi & I will keep sharing a bit of cereal in the mornings.

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Nychsa, I will go back and find it, and post the link here. But you may find, that your vet will not agree with the research. Many vets have their own opinions, and will stick with them based on the research they have. I for one don't want to risk my birds, so it is a personal decision for me. I tend to air on the side of caution...an over protect mom! :P


A small amount of milk is not harmful to them either, so the lactose free milk might be okay in a very small quantity too. ;)

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My baby Alex actually jumped off his kitchen swing and onto the kitchen table to get at the milk in my cereal bowl LOL! Meantime he tosses the broccoli out of his food bowl to get to the fruit and seeds mixed in.... I'll try to keep his dairy intake to a bare minimum. It's just so much fun watching him drink the milk because it is white and therefore you can actually see it being sucked up the tongue. They say that other birds have to raise their head to drink down the liquid that that they scoop up with their beaks - not so for our parrots, it seems! They just vacuum it in!


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Great info folks....


My Grey sips a little milk at times from my cereal, eats cheese etc. It does not harm them and if anything the milk just loosens their bowels a little.


As anything, moderation is called for IF you let your grey have a little.


But as Talon said, stay away from the milk replacements products for human lactose intolerance..... :-)

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I do give my birds a small amout of cheese and milk I mix a small amount of milk when I make their scrambled eggs twice aweek and I also add a small amount of milk to their mashed potatoes that I mix with a few veggies like peas broccoli carrots turnip they love this masked up mix and it has never seemed to give my birds any problems I only add a very small amount of milk mind you. I think that as long as it is used in moderation it is fine for the birds.

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