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An AG's vision


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I have had one question I have been pondering for quite some time now and I was hoping that some one may know the answer.


I was wondering, do they see in color??


I have looked on this site and have searched the internet and have not been able to answer this. If any one knows the answer I would be exstatic!!



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They not only see in full color as we do, but they also see into the UV spectrum. This is why many of us have full spectrum fluorescent lighting in the bird area.


It "Lights Up" the world for them in a way we can not see. It also provides UVB which helps in the vitamin D3 production needed for Calcium absorbtion if you are not able to take them outside during the winter months for natural sunlight.

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Hi, bandits_mom08,


The light that we see is actually a combination of different colors. Each color has a different wavelength. Colors in the UV spectrum have wavelengths shorter than what we can see.




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bandits_mom08 wrote:

I am not quite sure what you mean by they can also see into the UV spectrum.


UV = Ultra Violet Light.


It is one of the portions of light the we can not see. It is also the light that gives you a sunburn.


The other end of the spectrum is IR - Infrared which is the light spectrum the nocturnal critters use to see their prey at night.

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