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new and have to have help

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Hi, My name is Melinda and my CAG is Reena. I have had her for for just over a year. I got her from a family who could no longer care for her. She is very good for the most part, but our family dynamic has recently changed and I am in need of advice because I am at my wits end with this problem. My son was born 3 weeks ago and over the past 2 weeks Reena has become so loud when we place him in his room to nap that she wakes him up as soon as we put him down. The baby isn't getting the sleep he needs and I am beginning to hate my beloved bird. I need suggestions on what to do. I can't deal with this much longer.

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I guess the bird is jealous, they get too attached and they want all your attention. Im not really sure how you can deal with Reena, but I think try to spend some time with her training her (with positive reinforecement) on how to keep her voice down when baby sleeps...

Good luck :)

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Hi and Welcome to our family. :)

Please remember, that it can be quite stressful having a new baby in the house, it's all new territory, both for your bird and you especially. Lack of sleep, exhaustion from giving birth, and the worry of trying to settle into a routine with you, your baby, and bird. Please give yourself some slack, and take it day by day.

That being said, it is still early, and Reena doesn't understand what this "noisy thing" in her mind is, she is trying to figure things out, as well as you. Is there any possible way they can have separate rooms? At least for the short term until things calm down and everyone adjusts? That would be your best course of action until Reena understands and is comfortable with a change in her home life.

Don't give up just yet, it is still way too early to expect life to be calm. Have patience with Reena, she doesn't know what you know, or what is expected of her. B)

Please keep us posted. There will be good days, and bad. Just take it one day at a time and good luck! B)

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Hello Melinda and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Reena.


So sorry to hear you are having difficulties now that you have a new baby in the house but she is probably jealous and it will take some time for her to figure out that if she still gets enough attention from you then the squawking will subside.


Like some others suggested you might have to put the baby down in another room for naps and then you could focus more on Reena to bring her into what is going on and she will be quieter.


You will find lots of helpful and useful information in our many threads and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


When you get a chance would you share a few pictures of Reena with us as we would love to see her.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

First, I would just like to take a moment and welcome u to our family.


Give it time my dear and your baby and bird will learn how 2 cohabitate peacefulee. Do'nt stress yourself out so much.


Again welcome to the africon grey forum family where you can make yourself at home and learn lots about greys from the "experts."

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