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any advice??


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Im having a problem with my newly adopted 10 yr. old grey boo bird. hes climbing down his cage on to the floor and biting my wood cabnets. my cage dont have a seed catcher on it so its a stright shot down. i dont want to lock him up all day but i have to keep putting him back up on the top. i looked online to maybe buy the seed catcher but i dont know if he will be able to pass that too. maybe someone out there has had this problem and can give me an idea what to do or buy. thank you for your input in advance...patty

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They just love wood you should see my doors lol Erm tough one i would try a stuffed toy of some sort what Boo hasnt seen before and put it on the floor where he goes to chew it may make him wearey as he aint seen it before so it could keep him away for a while :)

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I think your bird might be bored or doesnt have enough to chew upon, so he chews on your cabinets. Does he have any wooden toys?

I suggest giving him toys to keep him busy, You can make some of the toys yourself.

Check out this site





and this:


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yes he has toys on the inside of his cage. wooden one that is really nice with many toys but wont touch it. i bought him a wicker parrot toy a pinata and he broke that all up. i talk to him all day and hold him on my lap daily and scratch n pet him for like an hour a day. im a stay at home wife so im sure hes getting plenty of atnn. thanks luv parrots guess i wont waste my money on a seed catcher cuz they never catch the seeds n e way lol. thanks all for all the help :)

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I think that somthing new like a big red teddybear or somthing like that and sit it next to where he chews. it will scare him off for awhile. or you could try moveing the cabnet to a different location. I wouldn't move his cage though it may cause to much stress.

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Bella chews on wood as well. To distract her from my things, I made her a red toy box with wood items in it, sea shells, marbles, little boxes with paper inside, and a string of wooden beads. When ever she starts chewing on furniture, I get her table top perch and put her toy box on it and she starts playing with her toys.

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