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In Memory Of Sammy


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splint101 wrote:

:( Sorry CD, but this will make your day I really love the detail and color on your photo of Sammy. My gosh look at the detail on the feathers. ;)


Hi Splint. Thank again for you kind works.. These photos are actually not some of my better ones.. I had just gotten my D2X and way playing around with the settings.. So they don't have the quality they could have.. and that's a shame because there were the only photos I ever had of Sammy.... :(

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Guest islandgirltexas

My deepest condolences. I know how you feel. We lost a half moon conure..Neeley after 10 years. We allowed our daughter to care for him while we were gone on vacation. The cigarette smoke in her apt. killed him. Remember that folks...if you smoke..do not do it in your house when you have birds. They get upper respiratory infections easily. Cigarette smoke..even if you have an air conditioner...will kill them. All it took was 2 weeks and he was gone. I was so angry at her..I told her not to smoke. We miss him very much..it is like losing a child.

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Hey there TexasGirl.. :P


The problem for me with regards to Sammy is I CAUSED him to have a horrible, terrible death... One that I WILL NEVER forget as long as I walk this planet..


My stupidity allowed my dogs to KILL Sammy... The hurt I feel from this is hard to describe.. Sammy was the friendliest bird I ever met in my life.. All Sammy wanted to do in his whole life was to play and be with us.. that's all this poor thing wanted..


He was DEATHY afraid of my dogs.. I mean terrified just looking at them.. To think that this poor thing got killed by them makes me cry like baby... I don't give a sh*t if I am a man.. I'm crying now thinking of the terror that poor thing felt in his last moments.. God Damm me for this... :(:(

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So sorry for your loss. You have told me the story before. It must be very difficult and painful, but dont beat yourself up about it too much. It was an accident, a horrible one for sure, but you certainly did not allow this to happen on purpose. Hopefully we can all learn from Sammy and provide those that remain a better shot at being safe, but accidents can, will and do happen.


It must be painful, but I bet Sammy does not hold it against you. He sure was a beaufiful bird and I am sure one of a kind. Its nice to remember him here, he deserves it.



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judygram wrote:

Just be thankful you had him for 13 years and we will all remember him here and he lives on in your heart.



No judy. I am not sure where it's been said I had Sammy for 13 years.. He was a baby and died at less then one year old.. :( Sorry if I caused that misunderstanding.

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