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What about baths?


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What about bath's? Obviously I don't plan on dunking my Joey in a tub of warm soapy water, but I know little about it. Do I need to provide anything for him. I saw a bottle of stuff at the local PetCo that was called "BathTime". Is there actually a bath time? Or will he just use his drinking water to bath himself. Will he bath himself like the birds outside do? And if so, do I need to put a dish of water in his cage? And if so, how often and when? I'm confused. Please help.

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Most of them will bathe in their water bowls, my Josey does this too but I also take her into the shower about twice a week and soak her good, she doesn't much care for it but tolerates it well.


Some members provide a larger bowl in the bottom of the cage for them to use to bathe in, some will use it and some will not, Josey won't use it so I give her showers.


Some members use a spray bottle filled with water to mist their greys for they won't tolerate a shower or bath.


I like to finish off with a spray of aloe vera juice, you can buy that in Walmart, it comes in a gal container and use it straight from the bottle, it is soothing to the feathers and skin.

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Just try placing a large pie pan in the bottom of the cage and see if Joe is interested in taking a bath in it. The water bowl for drinking is way to small for him to get a bath.


Most of us mist our Greys using spray bottles with 100% Aloe Juice as Judy mentioned.


I also roll my Parrots cages outside, remove all the food bowls, tray pan etc and using a hose with nozzle set to mist and spray a mist up in the air and let it fall down through the cage. My Conure and Grey loves this. I usually spray each for about 15 minutes to get them good and soaked to the skin.


I have had no luck with taking either into a shower. They fly straight out once the water comes on. :-) But some members have good luck with it.


Just try different methods and see what Joey likes.

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Thanks guys! I'll see what he's into. I would like to use some of that aloe spay on him since he has a lot of skin exposed, but I don't think we're there yet. I'm kinda afraid of upsetting him. Once we build trust, I will certainly try and start doing that.

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Of course, not everyone bathes their grey the same way. You should choose what works for you and Joey. I bathe Ana Grey in the sink every third day and spray her with 1/2 Aloe Vera and 1/2 water the other two days. I set the water lukewarm and in a small stream and pop her under it. She will stand there and get soaked. I lift her wings and splash water under her wings and on her stomach. I plug the sink so she stands in the water and gets soaked. I never wash her head as I do not want to get water in her ears. When we are through she stands on the divider between the two sinks and flaps her wings to drip dry. I place you under her full spectrum light on the top of her playtop to totally dry. She flaps her wings and jabbers away practicing her words. I still don't understand what she is trying to say, probably cussing me out!!!!:woohoo: :ohmy:

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I take both my greys into the shower with me (not at the same time of course) the water is warm. They hat getting wett but once soaked they are fine and happy to stand in the shower with me.


I have to battle to do this and in the end they just accept it!! :)

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Mine wont tolerate the shower at all so I also mist mine as well.

I do this about twice a week.

Good luck with Joey, it may take a while for him to get used to bathing, it all depends what he has been used to. Just take it slowly with him.:)

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I put Alfie in the big bath he hated it at first but hes ok with it now after a couple of noisy baths i put about 4 inches of luke warm water in and just put my hand in as tho i was bathing to keep him calm and have a little fun to ;)

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Mine doesn't like the shower he likes standing on the outside licking the window lol trying to catch the waterdrops but I take him with me when I bath and he climbs in himself and i spray him but oh boy he gets angry and by the third spray he starts saying :ooohh nice,nice" so ja it's up to them:cheer:

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